Watch it, people.
Soon we'll be EXECUTING people just for carrying cell phones with them in their car, even if they're not using them...
But, yeah, I still get the point.
I don't text AT ALL (it's just much easier to speak than type), and I don't use my cell phone when I'm driving.
At one point, though, I'm sure technology will evolve to the point at which cars pilot themselves...much like in I, Robot; then we won't need to worry about human error when it comes to piloting heavy machinery.
I mean, think about it...driving a car is essentially like riding a bomb with wheels...that'd make for a great PSA ad: "Don't f--- up while're riding a bomb strapped to your ass!"
Some mix of making sure people are aware of consequences, and traumatizing the shite out of them ought to make them learn.
Crash wrote:I once saw a lady who was talking on her cell phone while driving and not paying attention to the road. The irony of this particular situation was that she had a "Baby on Board" sign on her window. She wanted other people to drive safely around her to protect her child, but she didn't see the need to drive safely herself.
Y'know, I often blow my car horn at people who are on the phone when they're driving, but they don't even react - they don't even brake in front of me just to spite me, let alone brake because they just heard the horn.