Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

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Jodo Kast Nov 8, 2009

Is there a Japanese equivalent site (or sites) to OC Remix?

Is there one (or many) equivalent to Dwelling of Duels?

Nemo Nov 9, 2009


Jodo Kast Nov 9, 2009

Nemo wrote:


I suppose I asked for it...and there's no shortage of scumfiddlers.

layzee May 7, 2010

In an attempt to help Jodo Kast find his position in the "scheme of things" (assuming there is a scheme in reality) in this "horror world" of ours, here's another doujin music link (with files neatly sorted in categories like game franchise, game company, and artist):

However, how the heck do I access this website? I know it's online (based on what I see from Google's cache) but it appears to be blocking me from entering.

Jodo Kast wrote:

Your indolence is appreciated.

I had to temporarily interrupt my indolence in order to look this one up in a dictionary.

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