Angela Dec 15, 2009 (edited Mar 25, 2010)
Glancing at my profile at, I just realized that Inglourious Basterds marks the twenty-first BR movie that I've ever bought. And while that's certainly a marginal number when compared to the total amount of DVDs I own, even I'm surprised that I've accumulated so many since getting the PS3 back in early 2008. I'm still very much a DVD consumer, so I'm still fairly selective as to which films I feel are deserving enough to pick up on BR, but I must admit that falling prices and studio practice of conveniently packing the movie onto an accompanying DVD has made it that much more tempting to simply head straight for Blu for future releases.
For those who've gotten aboard the Blu-ray train, how many have you picked up so far? What was your first? Do you have any personal favorites? Enchanted was my very first Blu-ray, if you don't count Spider-Man 3 that was packed in with my 40GB PS3. As for my personal fave, Star Trek currently stands as my all-around top contender. The picture and sound quality is absolute top shelf, with matching bonus features to boot.
There are very few movies I'm looking to replace existing DVD versions of, with the possible exception of The Lord of The Rings trilogy. The theatrical cuts are apparently arriving in April 2010, but I'll be waiting out for the Extended Editions -- which I'm venturing won't be released for a good while yet.