Christmas '09. '08 was a disgusting hell.
Family lives out of province, and they keep trying to guilt trip me and everyone else in the family to visit them, but I don't have the scratch to finance a trip so far out right now, so that is not an option (why on Earth did you ever decide to move right into the middle of f---ing nowhere, ma?). I miss my little brother immensely, so I'm rather torn about it.
My estranged other half of the family live on the other end of the city. These are people I'd rather not associate with fully, and being that we haven't spoken in close to five years, their recent invitation for me to join them this year baffles me. They know why I said no flat out.
My girlfriend blindly decided to move out to Edmonton a few months back, she's coming into town to see her family, I'll be spending Christmas eve with them. I don't anticipate having much fun; Being that they come from an entirely different world than I, I'll have to work doubly hard to impress them. I've opted to bake them a nice cake. Nothing too fancy, but it'll show my good will.
Christmas day would've been spent cold and alone, but it looks like one of my boys is in the same boat, so we've decided to make a day of it. He's house sitting for his older brother, so we've got a nice set-up there. He missed out on Silent Hill 2, we'll probably play through that shit. Got some movies on my laptop (affectionately named A.L.I.C.E., for the operating system of the same name in Gundam Sentinal) we'll probably be checking out. It'll be like guys' night out, only with less fist-pounding.
As for gifts? I got some real nice earrings for my girl, my mom and her boyfriend are getting this gigantic bag of delicious flavoured coffee (unground, I guess they got a new machine they wanna try making coffee with), I'm getting my little sister a copy of "Blankets" by Craig Thompson (excellent book, I encourage you all to read it), and my little brother is getting a copy of Metroid Prime Trilogy for the Wii (I was thinking Muramasa, my game of the year, but that can wait until his birthday in January).