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Jodo Kast Jan 9, 2010

I'm looking for a way to convert NSF to WAV using the Winamp plugin NEZplug++, if it is even possible for that plugin. Based on my research efforts, it is either very difficult or impossible. Or I'm slightly retarded and it's quite simple.

Alternatively, I'm looking for a way to use Audio Overload to convert NSF to WAV. It was originally my intention to use that program but it seems to disapprove of Windows Vista. It actually records the first track of any NSF just fine. But if I try any successive track, then it shuts down (Windows closes it).

TerraEpon Jan 9, 2010

Well I have Nezplug 0.9.3 and it writes to wav just fine using Winamp's wav_out plugin (that comes with it).
You have to forward it manually or it'll try to overwrite for some reason, though.

Jodo Kast Jan 9, 2010

TerraEpon wrote:

Well I have Nezplug 0.9.3 and it writes to wav just fine using Winamp's wav_out plugin (that comes with it).
You have to forward it manually or it'll try to overwrite for some reason, though.

That was good enough info. It's been years since I've done this, but I used the Nullsoft Disk Writer instead. I forgot about that, how it'll automatically create the wav. But there is still a problem. While it allows me to create wav files of every song in the NSF, I am forced to record parts of previous songs. For example, if I want to record track 5 in an NSF, then I have to record parts of 1, 2, 3, and 4 (because it records as I am progressing to 5). Is there a way to avoid this? (I can use wavepad to fix them, but I'd rather avoid that step.)

  The only way to avoid the overwrite problem is to remove the wav it just created from your music folder. It's a time consuming process because it's not smart enough to simply name the next one wav (2) or output (2).

Ashley Winchester Jan 9, 2010 (edited Jan 9, 2010)

Yeah, go with NEZplug. I just converted The Ninja Gaiden II NSF myself... it's just too cool the game's music test has the actual names for the tracks, although I think "Thunderstorm" and "Overdrive" have their names switched.

Edit: Do you have crossfade on? That may be what's causing it, I stick with Winamp below v3 which doesn't have that I believe.

Smeg Jan 9, 2010

Jodo, to solve your second issue whilst still using NEZplug, you'd need to use NEZplug extended m3u files to select individual "tracks" within an NSF. It's been so long since I did that that I don't remember how, and there's not much point since foobar's GEP plugin creates track indexes for NSFs automatically. You can then select only the tunes you want to convert, right click 'em and use foobar's converter. I'd recommend that. I'm not sure what emulation core GEP uses offhand, but it's got to be better than NEZplug, which hasn't been updated in seven years!

Jodo Kast Jan 9, 2010 (edited Jan 9, 2010)

Smeg wrote:

Jodo, to solve your second issue whilst still using NEZplug, you'd need to use NEZplug extended m3u files to select individual "tracks" within an NSF. It's been so long since I did that that I don't remember how, and there's not much point since foobar's GEP plugin creates track indexes for NSFs automatically. You can then select only the tunes you want to convert, right click 'em and use foobar's converter. I'd recommend that. I'm not sure what emulation core GEP uses offhand, but it's got to be better than NEZplug, which hasn't been updated in seven years!

I'm going to try foobar. But here's where I got NEZplug++:

I think it's new.

  Although I'm more comfortable with Winamp, I just loaded an NSF into Foobar and it does (automatically) what I've been trying to get Winamp to do. I also read how to make the extended m3u and it doesn't seem worth the effort.

Jodo Kast Jan 9, 2010

Ashley Winchester wrote:

Yeah, go with NEZplug. I just converted The Ninja Gaiden II NSF myself... it's just too cool the game's music test has the actual names for the tracks, although I think "Thunderstorm" and "Overdrive" have their names switched.

Edit: Do you have crossfade on? That may be what's causing it, I stick with Winamp below v3 which doesn't have that I believe.

I'm not sure about crossfade. I couldn't find it. But I do remember the NGII sound test.

Smeg Jan 9, 2010 (edited Jan 9, 2010)

Jodo Kast wrote:

But here's where I got NEZplug++:

I think it's new.

Cool, I didn't know anyone had picked up development. I'll have to check that out.

Jodo Kast wrote:

I also read how to make the extended m3u and it doesn't seem worth the effort.

There used to be a program that would generate NEZplug m3us from an NSF automatically, but I don't remember what it was called.

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