Qui-Gon Joe wrote:The only thing I find myself wishing for on occasion is a direct link to the forum index on the right-hand side of the page (under the "Forums" listing).
Oops, had meant to add that a long time ago
Qui-Gon Joe wrote:Also, I seem to recall recently seeing someone complaining that they couldn't put images in their posts. To that I say PLEASE do NOT add that ability.
If I ever allow images in posts it will be limited to moderators only, and even that is somewhat unlikely.
XLord007 wrote:The only thing I'd like to see at this point is a way to prevent new posts/topics you haven't clicked on from being automatically marked as read after a certain period of inactivity.
Yeah that is a completely reasonable request. Unfortunately as that functionality is not included in the base forum script whatsoever it would take some doing on my part, which would be better spent on other aspects of the site. Good suggestion though, will keep it in mind.
XLord007 wrote:For example, if there's, say, 20 topics with new posts and I go to the first one and start writing a reply, if I take more than a few minutes to write the reply, it will mark all of the other topics that I haven't read yet as read and then I have to go back manually and check the posting times to figure out what I need to read. To combat this, I hit "Preview" every couple minutes when writing a post, but it'd be nice if I didn't have to do that.
Until there's a fix in the forum itself, you might try opening the various topics you want to read and reply to from the "New Posts" page into separate tabs or windows. That way as long as you don't refresh the New Posts page none of the new posts will disappear.
Kim K wrote:I'd like to see a "New posts" link at the top of the page too; less scrolling that way.
I suppose that's doable but I usually click the New Posts link from the forum index page, and it's short enough that I only need to page down once at most (depending on the PC I'm using) to get to it. If some other people request it will look into it though.
Datschge wrote:The only thing I can think of is adding a notice to the post form telling the poster that he can use the BBCode (color=white) (replace with square brackets) to hide spoiler texts.
Actually one change I very much do hope to make is to add a "spoiler" tag to the BBCode that handles that automatically, so that if I ever change the bg color the text will still be transparent. Thanks for the reminder
GoldfishX wrote:I would say axe the retailers forum and maybe just make a comprehensive stickied post for the major retailers in the marketplace forum. Realistically, that's all the ten or so posts in the "retailers" forum are anyway.
That is a valid point, but putting all the retailer discussion in a single topic would get a bit unwieldy I think. And having separate stickied topics for each retailer in the Marketplace forum would bump all the other posts pretty far down. If the Retailers forum doesn't grow much over the next few months might follow your suggestion though.
GoldfishX wrote:And do consider re-adding the polls forum. Now that we can bump threads, it would be more interesting. This was always an STC standby I miss.
Hmm I prefer having polls in the various forums of appropriate topic myself. Thought I might eventually implement a separate icon for posts with polls and leave it at that. But if anyone else really misses having a separate polls forum speak up!
Schala wrote:Then of course is still that weird problem of people's names not showing up that I was supposed to have sent you a screenshot of.... ^_^;;;
Yeah I guess that didn't magically disappear, did it. Was hoping your employer may have moved along with the times and changed to a different browser than Mac IE. No luck?
Dais wrote:It is very good aside from the major downside of not releasing tranquilizers into my system whenever I am about to post.
On my to-do list
Thanks for the suggestions thus far. Keep 'em coming!