Bernhardt Jan 20, 2010 (edited Jan 20, 2010)
Ever listen to a soundtrack/album that you wanted to like, but somehow, it just fell flat with you, or you otherwise just couldn't stand it?
The Kingdom Hearts II OST is this way with me; I dig the Twilight Town themes, as well as those surrounding Hollow Bastion; the character themes surrounding Organization XIII, Roxas, Kairi, "Missing You," (alot of the sorrowful themes), Riku, the World that Never Was, the battle themes, and especially the vocal theme, "Passion," is pretty much what I bought the soundtrack for.
I like these themes. Alot. But when I actually listen to them, they just kind of fall flat with me; I end up almost ignoring them, they kind of fade into the background, and disappear. Or, sometimes I just get annoyed with them, and just end up skipping through a lot of them. And the rest of the soundtrack? FORGET IT.
I like this soundtrack. I want to like it, at least. I remember that it was pretty good. But when I try to listen to it, it just...doesn't catch on with me somehow. I just can't seem to attach to it.
I've quite a number of similar experiences with other albums. Say, the Valkyrie Profile 2 OST. Or the Tales of the Abyss OST.
Have you had a similar experience like this? It just really kind of bothers me...