I'm a guy that plays a bunch of fighters with much more complicated systems than TVC but I have to say I agree with what someone at IGN said (WOW!) it is possibly one of the most if not THE most accessible fighting game on the market. Thats an absolutely wonderful thing. I am a person who really hates MVC2 but for a game in that veritable style it sure is different. I don't really feel like I am getting a watered down, trashy, fighting game made for the Wii's fan base. I feel like I am playing just another different system within the long line of the genre.
Thank god for Morrigan. I thought they were never going to replace that goddamned sprite. I could see everyone in their 3D glory now and Morrigan in her old, crusty ass sprite from a century ago.
Sad about the vocal tracks only but at least its something. Now its only a shame that it probably won't be stand alone. I completely agree that this fills a void in Capcom. They used to have such fun music. Its nice to listen to it when most everything else is heavy handed orchestral bits.
Long live TVC. Please bring us a soundtrack!