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Ashley Winchester Feb 1, 2010

This may seem like a silly topic, but recently I've been thinking. When people spell out the names of these games, do they have any guiding principles or preferences as to whether they use "Mega Man" or "Megaman"?

In the general sense, this seems to be an east vs. west thing, often times based on logos. The in-game logos for the original series (1~6) drive home separating the words and this extends even to 7 and 8's front cover logos even though they take on the look of X1~X3's front cover logos. The in-game logos for the aforementioned X games on the SNES do as well, but then when we move to X4 and beyond, we go to one continuous word - except on the spines of the PSX games.

The Japanese versions of these games mostly stick to the single word version, and this seems to extend to robot masters as well in tracklistings and such.

Anyway, the idea of consistency and Capcom is, well... you know – good and bad. But anyway, when you write about the games in a general sense, how do you spell it? I like seperating it myself.

the_miker Feb 1, 2010


Mega Man


Rock Man

That is all.

SonicPanda Feb 1, 2010

I've always written Megaman. I like it better that way, and like he said, Capcom have been inconsistent enough that I feel I can get away with it.

P.S. I should stress I have no patience for 'MegaMan' spelling. MM Legends bothers me on this level.

Amazingu Feb 1, 2010

I'm a huge Megaman fan, always have been, which is why I always feel extremely embarassed not knowing how to properly spell the little guy's name.

I wrote "Megaman" just now, but that's just the spur of the moment.
On other days it'll be Mega Man.

Nice to know Capcom themselves have no clue either.

Ashley Winchester Feb 1, 2010

SonicPanda wrote:

P.S. I should stress I have no patience for 'MegaMan' spelling. MM Legends bothers me on this level.

Ack, forgot about that spelling.

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