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Smeg Feb 7, 2010

I have the Blasting Again OST and ripped it for Slightly Dark a long time ago, so it ought to be out there. It's not bad and has its moments, but it doesn't approach the NES soundtrack. If you'd rather buy your own, Amazon JP still has copies in stock:

Didn't know about the WiiWare game, but then the newest console I have is still my Gamecube. Been playing the crap out of the original lately though, so this seems timely somehow.

Crash Feb 7, 2010

I've got that CD.  It's pretty decent, but the best tunes IMO are the remakes of the original Blaster Master music.  The new stuff on the album is so-so.

brandonk Feb 8, 2010

Smeg wrote:

I have the Blasting Again OST and ripped it for Slightly Dark a long time ago, so it ought to be out there. It's not bad and has its moments, but it doesn't approach the NES soundtrack.

Thanks - Anywhere I can locate it?  Didn't see it on SD

Smeg Feb 8, 2010

brandonk wrote:
Smeg wrote:

I have the Blasting Again OST and ripped it for Slightly Dark a long time ago, so it ought to be out there. It's not bad and has its moments, but it doesn't approach the NES soundtrack.

Thanks - Anywhere I can locate it?  Didn't see it on SD

Have you checked VGM Central? If it's not there, it doesn't exist.

brandonk Feb 11, 2010

Thx Smeg (nice name I'll take a look...

I picked up the Wii game...not alot of impressive things going on with the redo - I mean if you think about the quality of the original on the NES platform, and the potential the Wii platform allows - this could have probably been an SNES game, with no much more (possibly less) going on graphically and gameplay no widescreen.  Anyone else less than impressed?

SonicPanda Feb 11, 2010

brandonk wrote:

not alot of impressive things going on with the redo - I mean if you think about the quality of the original on the NES platform, and the potential the Wii platform allows - this could have probably been an SNES game, with no much more (possibly less) going on graphically and gameplay no widescreen.

Sounds a bit like Konami's ReBirth releases. Nice bite-sized games, but there's nothing going on in those you couldn't do with an early-90's arcade board. Still, the play's the thing. Is it at least NES-style Blaster Master and not like the Genesis sequel?

brandonk Feb 12, 2010

SonicPanda wrote:

Sounds a bit like Konami's ReBirth releases. Nice bite-sized games, but there's nothing going on in those you couldn't do with an early-90's arcade board. Still, the play's the thing. Is it at least NES-style Blaster Master and not like the Genesis sequel?

Well alot of it just felt uninspired...repeating floor maps and generic enemy for Konami Rebirth releases, I think those were better executed (particularly the Castlevania game).

At least there are 'save' spots - unlike the NES original...I don't remember the Genesis game, how it differed, etc...The new game has no relationship to the story of the original (Boy chases his frog down a tunnel) but then again, I guess story didn't really matter to anyone who was trying to beat one of the most challenging platforming games ever...

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