SonicPanda wrote:Sounds a bit like Konami's ReBirth releases. Nice bite-sized games, but there's nothing going on in those you couldn't do with an early-90's arcade board. Still, the play's the thing. Is it at least NES-style Blaster Master and not like the Genesis sequel?
Well alot of it just felt uninspired...repeating floor maps and generic enemy for Konami Rebirth releases, I think those were better executed (particularly the Castlevania game).
At least there are 'save' spots - unlike the NES original...I don't remember the Genesis game, how it differed, etc...The new game has no relationship to the story of the original (Boy chases his frog down a tunnel) but then again, I guess story didn't really matter to anyone who was trying to beat one of the most challenging platforming games ever...