Bernhardt Mar 11, 2010 (edited Mar 11, 2010)
Anybody here actually sold successfully on eBay before, and actually got the amount of money you wanted for the stuff you were selling?
I just "Sold" a bundle of soundtracks on eBay to someone who bid 3 times in a row, only to tell me he didn't want them when I e-mailed him to collect payment. He was like, "I do not want these." And I'm like, "DUDE, you bid THREE TIMES in a row, beating out everybody else, and NOW you decide you DON'T want them?!"
Did a bug hijack his account and put in a bid under his name THREE TIMES, or was he just not paying attention to what he was bidding on?
When stuff like this always happens to me on eBay, it makes me wonder how ANYONE sells ANYTHING on eBay, let alone the odd listing of "Jar of Air for sale."
Anyone got tips on how to sell on eBay?