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Ashley Winchester Mar 19, 2010 (edited Mar 19, 2010)

Recently I've been moved to another department at work due to the fact there is a lack of hours where I was before. The bad thing is my boss there can sometimes be difficult and hard to read. Fond of yelling and putting up a front where the work environment is friendly and professional - which it isn't because one my co-workers is a primary favorite target of my other co-workers I sometimes get frustrated.

Add to this that everyday a rule or procedure gets changed because another department screws something up and we get saddled with the responsibly of handling it. Because of this, sometimes I'm just not sure what to do at a given moment. For example, beyond the departments I've worked in, I just don't know where everything goes.

It's this that lead to a somewhat disturbing event. While sorting some stuff out, my supervisor was instructing me what went in what box. Well, I got them reversed and went to put them in opposite boxes. This apparently got to them, and they literally took my hands by the wrist and put the items in the right boxes.

What am I? Five?

Since we were really busy when this happened, how disturbing this was didn't really hit me at first. It was only later when I had some alone time to think about it that it struck me.

So I talked with another co-worker and, ironically, an assistant manger had just gotten fired earlier that day for the same thing, only it was even less malicious. I kind of reveled in this for a second, my evil side thinking how someone’s fate (job) was in my hands. Still, the feeling didn't last long... as conflicted as I felt I didn't feel angry. Like I said, I was stunned more than anything, and I kind of felt sad that someone would feel the need to do that to a grown man. Additionally, while it wasn't appropriate, getting someone fired for that seemed kind of extreme compared to my last job where a certain operator got away with "air humping" and sexually harassing other employees – things that were undoubtedly wrong.

Anyway, I decided just to let the situation die although I feel like I don't feel as I should about it. Anger and vengeance won't solve anything - vengeance in this case would only result in counter-vengeance. Still, this begs the question: when was the last time someone ever handled you in such a way? I honestly can't remember. I can't even remember my parent's doing it although I’m sure they did when I was little.

Additionally, why does seeing someone else take (verbal) abuse bother me more?

Angela Mar 19, 2010

Ashley Winchester wrote:

Still, this begs the question: when was the last time someone ever handled you in such a way? I honestly can't remember. I can't even remember my parent's doing it although I’m sure they did when I was little.

Mom knocked both me and my brother around when we were young.  Admittedly, it probably did us a world of good.

Our little sis got off easy.  The goody two-shoes.

Idolores Mar 19, 2010

Ashley Winchester wrote:

Still, this begs the question: when was the last time someone ever handled you in such a way? I honestly can't remember. I can't even remember my parent's doing it although I’m sure they did when I was little.

I was a little bastard growing up, and my mother gave me more than my share of come-uppance. I remember I called her an asshole when I was nine and she whooped my ass with the spanking paddle so hard it broke in half.

Additionally, when I was around 14, I got into a huge argument with my dad. he took me outside and I was so confident I could take him, but he laid me out like a Thai schoolgirl. I miss my dad. ;_;

The only member of the family that escaped punishment was always my little brother. Mom never spanked him, but I beat him up enough to toughen him up. smile

GoldfishX Mar 19, 2010

I can deal with people face-to-face, whether they're pissed off or want to talk in a civilized way about a problem. I have no problems giving my side of the story, whether people want to hear it or not. It's the shitheads that like to think they know everything, don't listen and run their mouths behind my back I have problems with. Catching them in the act is a guilty pleasure of the most evil sort, because most are too scared to say things to my face. One day, I'm going to blog about this past summer...The looks on the faces of my ex-landlord and ex-friend (who decided my the landlord would make an excellent sugar-momma and went along with her little passive aggressive streak against me to stay on her good side...oh, and then wanted to use my DS and wanted me to drive her to an anime convention) when I called their asses out almost made the couple thousand dollars I wasted on the entire move worth it.

Jodo Kast Mar 20, 2010

Only once did I ever yell at an employee. It was about 4 years ago. He had the bad habit of taking a break while customers were trying to pay. Since he wasn't there to collect payment, the customers naturally formed a long line. I always took over, just to be nice. But my kindness expired one evening and I burst into the room where he was eating and told him to get the f--- out there. He wouldn't move, so I yelled at him again.

Another time, I yelled at my supervisor. That was at the package handling company, about 11 years ago. The drivers were giving me trouble and I didn't want to finish loading their trucks. I clocked out without asking, right in front of my supervisor. He asked me if I was finished and I said, "I don't give a f---." I think he sensed some abnormal hostility in my mood, so he actually went and yelled at the drivers. He understood where my anger came from and didn't blame me for my outburst.

Ashley Winchester Mar 21, 2010

OK, so I've finally become angry over the above. The night after the above took place, my supervisor was talking about how "people are always taking them the wrong way" and "how they weren't the problem." I have no clue if that was indirectly aimed at me, but it made me furious.

My friend was right, when you're nice to people they don't learn lessons.

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