avatar! Apr 6, 2010
Interesting article...
http://www.cracked.com/article_18461_5- … icted.html
focus is on MMOs... never played one, never intend to either
Interesting article...
http://www.cracked.com/article_18461_5- … icted.html
focus is on MMOs... never played one, never intend to either
Some MMOs are fun or at least interesting to play. But the worth versus time/money invested varies wildly from person to person, and addiction is a very real problem unfortunately.
I don't enjoy paying monthly, suffering from lag problems or having to search around for a compatible group to play with (not much of a team player). But I realize I'm missing out on a lot of interesting game worlds by not playing MMOs.
if Square Enix made a single-player or (even better) non-MMO multiplayer version of FFXI, using the mechanics from something like FFXII, I'd buy it in an instance. Both for the sheer beauty of the world (before WOW came along with it's neon colors and hateful third-party UI plugins) and in order to watch NPCs get beat up by high-level rabbits.
focus is on MMOs... never played one, never intend to either
The closest thing I've played to an MMO is Diablo II and it isn't an MMO. Got addicted to it and when it got old I decided to avoid games that have no real end. That, and well, once you try to hang out with friends engrosed with these kinds of games and that's all they do when you're with them, well, I'd hardly call that hanging out.