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Bernhardt Apr 20, 2010 (edited Apr 20, 2010) … d_abridged

Then, only a few days in-country, Pogany saw the shredded body of a gunned-down Iraqi. He had what he thought was a panic attack — vomiting, hallucinations. A psychologist concluded he'd had a normal combat stress reaction and recommended rest, then back to duty.

Instead, Pogany's commanders shipped him back to Fort Carson, and he was charged with "cowardly conduct as a result of fear," a crime punishable by death under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The last such conviction in the Army occurred during the Vietnam War.

Things like this are precisely the reason I've avoided joining the military; condemning a person for actually being disgusted by seeing a dead, mutilated body? It sounds like the military treats it as treason!

His story sounds like something out of an anime, or other form of fictional war story...which leads me to believe that those things hit closer to the truth than one would think...

avatar! Apr 20, 2010

That was a good story.
People have been branded cowards for as long as people have been fighting (which basically is as long as people have been around). I think the difference is that today we know more about psychology and how to help people who are traumatized. Sadly, the military is notorious for not treating soldiers well. Actually, I don't think it's just the military, but the government and people in general. Sad, but I'm glad there are people who fight for this guy, and hopefully this story will get attention and something will be done.


Ashley Winchester Apr 21, 2010

Does anyone else get the feeling that this is something that our enemies would do to their own soldiers? It's kind of sad that this would happen within the military of a supposedly advanced society.

As for the military in general, any group that will say next to anything to get you to sign on the dotted line pretty much earns my distain. Calling my house saying I can get all this money (to improve my life they dissect and decree as pointless in mere seconds) if I join... is it just me or does anyone else feel money doesn't always solve one's problems?*

* = I know that last part sounds stupid
* = wish it did

Bernhardt Apr 22, 2010 (edited Apr 22, 2010)

It just irks me so much how one could treat people - who actually are trying to do their country a service - with such disdain.

As a soldier, it seems like your least concern is your enemies, and your greatest concern, watching your own back against those who would insist they are your allies.

Your enemies, at least you can be pretty sure want to kill you, especially when they're shooting straight at you. And for the most part, it's permissible to kill them if they're trying to kill you, but there are such things as war crimes, and usually, those're pressed against you by people who're supposed to be on your own side.

Being ordered to do something, and then getting court martialled for it after you do as you're ordered...

Why does ANYONE join the military?

I should think the only kind of person who'd willingly join up, is someone who's mostly given up on life, and believes the only value their life will serve is sacrificing it.

But, everyday, I meet soldiers who're just like ordinary people you meet everyday, perfectly normal people who really don't have an axe to grind, and still a life and will to live...

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