Tim JC May 3, 2010
So my early model PS3 has had numerous problems with its network connection and now the latest firmware update (3.30) has screwed me yet again. Sony just don't care about us "fat PS3" owners, since I hear the slims don't seem to have this issue. If anyone else is having this problem, I can sympathize. It connects using an ethernet cable just fine, but the wireless fails to locate the router, which is located in another room. Last time the solution was to set the router to a different channel, but after downloading the latest PS3 update (which seems to be mandatory for online use) I can't get anything to work.
Normally I wouldn't care so much, but I'm considering taking the plunge into FFXIV later on, and that wouldn't bode well. I'd have to move my gaming zone, or snake a fifty-foot cable down the hall. Or not bother with FFXIV at all, which may be the smartest move.