SonicPanda Jan 24, 2006 (edited Jan 24, 2006)
The one where someone at MetalGearSolid.Org's forums allegedly webcammed their suicide while being egged on by other forumers?
http://news.gaminghorizon.com/media2/11 … .3198.html
More 'truthiness' than truth.
This must be said first - suicide is a damn shame any which way you look at it. Suicidal depression is a vacuum which, after it consumes you, will start to consume everyone who'll miss you (worse still however, must be the helplessness his friends felt between the time of his 'signing off' and the execution of the deed). It's dark, lonely, and desperate stuff. Any well-adjusted person could tell you this.
That's what makes the initial report so frustrating. Since the advent of Columbine, gamers have been villified in the media as being uncaring malevolent husks who look at violence and murder as the ultimate rush. Taking gamers who are already grieving and misrepresenting them as murdermongers is downright evil. Much as I hate kneejerk litigation, here's hoping they sue the AFP's collective ASS off.