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Bernhardt May 14, 2010 (edited May 16, 2010)

Why Does (US) Get So Many Import Album Titles Wrong?

Case-in-point, Chrono Trigger Arranged Version: The Brink of Time: … dition=new

They have the title reversed, as in, The Brink of Time: Chrono Trigger Arranged Version.

Not only that, but they're stubborn about correcting wrong titles; I just sent a product information update, giving them the correct title, and they gave me an e-mail back, saying, "No, we've already researched all possible references, and we've determined we have the correct, current data."

Except I gave them the URL for the entry for this album here on VGMdb (, and if you can't tell, the "Chrono Trigger" part of the title PRECEDES "The Brink of Time."

And this isn't the only instance in which AMZN has incorrect titles for soundtracks; I could go on for days pointing out stuff they've gotten wrong.

If you're not willing to accept corrections to your catalog listings, why even provide the option?!

Anyone else want to tell AMZN to get their act together?

Here's the link to try and correct the wrong title they have there: … erchantID=

Try your hand!

Megadeth May 16, 2010

well, they even accepted a review of an album that hasnt come out yet!

Amazingu May 16, 2010

What worries me more is that some retard is charging more than 80 bucks for it second-hand!

Bernhardt May 16, 2010

Amazingu wrote:

What worries me more is that some retard is charging more than 80 bucks for it second-hand!


Stuff like that is so common on AMZN; the asinine prices, especially.

Ashley Winchester May 16, 2010

Bernhardt wrote:
Amazingu wrote:

What worries me more is that some retard is charging more than 80 bucks for it second-hand!


Stuff like that is so common on AMZN; the asinine prices, especially.

OMG totally, I hate shopping on eBay but amazon almost makes it look like a great idea in comparsion.

Bernhardt May 16, 2010

Amazingu wrote:
Megadeth wrote:

well, they even accepted a review of an album that hasnt come out yet!

What worries me more is that some retard is charging more than 80 bucks for it second-hand!

Wow. Which album is that?

Adam Corn May 17, 2010

Well to be fair, for a lot of albums it's ambiguous as to the order of the title text.  If you look at CT:BoT, on the disc itself the "The Brink of Time" part comes first.  Similar situation with various Perfect Collections and Piano Collections, where the publishers sometimes seem to put that text first despite it making a lot more sense to put the emphasis on the game title.

Bernhardt May 17, 2010

Adam Corn wrote:

Well to be fair, for a lot of albums it's ambiguous as to the order of the title text.  If you look at CT:BoT, on the disc itself the "The Brink of Time" part comes first.  Similar situation with various Perfect Collections and Piano Collections, where the publishers sometimes seem to put that text first despite it making a lot more sense to put the emphasis on the game title.

Yeah, that's true, but when providing the corrections, I gave them the reference pages for the albums from here (STC), VGMdb, and Chudah's Corner, and they still refused to do the proper edits.

They just don't want to be bothered to do the work. Then again, I probably submitted them when a grade A-class A-hole was at the desk; I'll try submitting the edits later, and see if they take.

Idolores May 17, 2010

I wish I could post that picture that's been circling the net lately, with the redneck with the sunglasses on and arms crossed, standing by his souped up pickup with the text that says "Deal with it, nerd".

Bernhardt May 17, 2010 (edited May 17, 2010)

Idolores wrote:

I wish I could post that picture that's been circling the net lately, with the redneck with the sunglasses on and arms crossed, standing by his souped up pickup with the text that says "Deal with it, nerd".


Give me some slack; this's probably the most I've been obsessively furious about anything in awhile...

...although, I guess it IS misdirected. I probably should go do something more worthwhile with my life, rather than arguing with people who won't be swayed.

I should probably go join a fight club, or something.

Have YOU heard the teachings of Tyler Durden?

Megadeth May 17, 2010

Bernhardt wrote:
Amazingu wrote:
Megadeth wrote:

well, they even accepted a review of an album that hasnt come out yet!

What worries me more is that some retard is charging more than 80 bucks for it second-hand!

Wow. Which album is that?

dont get me wrong, I still love buying from amazon, I've experience some problem with item which delivered in bad condition (box too thin for the item) and they returned full money... they even refunded partial of the shipping cost when they ship the item late

but as for the wrong title for an item they dont seem to care about it sadly
and I actually read a review of Megadeth & Kreator latest album month before it came out. The reviewer didnt seem have any idea what the album sounds like either. On the top of that they're pretty careless about an item review and I read some review that only contain few bad/negative words without any explanation.

Ashley Winchester May 17, 2010

Bernhardt wrote:

Have YOU heard the teachings of Tyler Durden?

His name is Robert Paulson. His name is Robert Paulson. His name is...

Amazingu May 17, 2010

Bernhardt wrote:

Have YOU heard the teachings of Tyler Durden?

Dude, you do NOT talk about that!

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