Tim JC Jun 11, 2010
Checked out the rendition of Dancing Mad from Distant Worlds II:
Checked out the rendition of Dancing Mad from Distant Worlds II:
I have to add this piece from Rockman DASH 2:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyofFtSo … re=related
Generally, this kind of stuff isn't my thing, but it would have been cool if it had made it onto last years special selection.
Link to the Past's ending / staff credits. Seriously, the second half of this track gives me Ice Palace chills. The slowed down "main theme" is so beautiful, even for raw SNES music. Hear: http://twaud.io/dmQ
Nearly any version of Geese Howard's classic theme is enough to induce chills, but one particular rendition has always stuck with me, and a rather unlikely one at that.
A guy named Yasumasa Yamada was responsible for converting the soundtracks to several SNK fighting games to their SNES ports. He did a competent-to-quality job all around, but listening through his work on Fatal Fury Special, you might find yourself somewhat surprised by the arrangements. While a lot of SNES/Genesis arcade ports were concerned mainly with getting the best approximation of the original sound, Yamada's work on Special is notable for adding a number of flourishes and segues which add a surprising amount of originality to the themes.
My favorite example of this is his take on Geese Howard's theme. Some might wince at some of the weaker samples which can't match the intensity of other versions of the theme, but it's quite clear that the song still does justice to the original version.
The interesting part, however, is what happens at 1:12. Rather than directly copy the original somewhat frantic end and loop, the SNES version provides a longer and softer end and sudden loop which I feel actually fits Geese Howard's character a lot better - he's a maniac, but also a brilliant and cultured crime lord. The new and more relaxed sequence is an auditory reference to the concept which defines his character: total control.
I realize I sound kind of silly saying all this, but the change in tone that Yamada's arrangement produces makes it the definitive version of the song for me, even with the general inadequacy of the SNES in reproducing the raw power of the original.
the_miker wrote:I seriously felt like I was high on something the whole time it was playing
That drug, which is my current narcotic of choice, is PS1-era Squaresoft VGM. Vintage shit, man.
Seconded. Vagrant Story has been having hot pig sex with my CD player.
Poignant chills:
Beyond the Beyond Original Game Soundtrack "Land of Promise" - One of the best arrangements in all of VGM; a masterful track from start to finish, but when those final violins kick in, oh my goodness...
Ecco - Songs of Time "Motion E" - Those synth swells are transcendental.
Final Fantasy 1987-1994 "My Home Sweet Home" - Heartrendingly bitter sweet.
Final Fantasy VI Original Sound Version "Ending Theme" - Splendid throughout, but the triumphant reprisal of the Figaro theme and that ingenious progression from Terra's theme to Relm's to Shadow's are where the chills come in.
Final Fantasy VIII Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec "Ending Theme" - Caps off one of the most beautiful, elegant renditions of the FF main theme with a Dune'esque bit of mystery and some oh so tender closing moments; the Uematsu-Hamaguchi combo at their best.
Fervent chills:
Dragon Quest Symphonic Suite Live Best "Into the Legend (DQIII)" - I've listened to this theme a thousand times and those rousing, climactic trumpets still give me chills.
Seiken Densetsu Sound Collections "Second Chapter - Menace" - Care to hear a perfect battle theme arrangement? Here it is. My goodness, those horns.
Ys Symphony '95 "4th Movement" - Terashima's genre-defying transmogrification of Ys into orchestral reaches its epic, furious climax here.
Ys V Orchestral Version "Farewell" - Brings on the chills from the very start with that unstoppable opening brass and then, after successfully reprising nearly the whole album in a single track, brings them on again for the finale.
Dramatic chills:
Panzer Dragoon RPG ~Azel~ Memorial Album "Sona mi areru ec sancitu" - A masterful choral work with an epic orchestral finale.
Symphonic Shades "X-Out" - The most amazing choral arrangement in VGM to date. The things that chorus does transcend human limits.
In-game chills:
Chrono Trigger Original Sound Version "Frog's Theme" - Favorite character, fantastic theme, the cave scene.
Soul Edge - Khan Super Session "The Edge of Soul" - Maybe I was more easily emotionally swayed at the time, but something about seeing Rock hefting his axe up from clifftop to a ragingly awesome ethnic rock vocal made me giddy.
In-concert chills:
Final Fantasy VI Little Jack Orchestral Concert "Rest in Peace ~ Epitaph ~ Searching for Friends" - Hearing the poignant "Epitaph" lead into a sweeping orchestral rendition of "Searching for Friends" is an experience I hope I never forget.
Soul Edge - Khan Super Session "The Edge of Soul" - Maybe I was more easily emotionally swayed at the time, but something about seeing Rock hefting his axe up from clifftop to a ragingly awesome ethnic rock vocal made me giddy
Totally, too bad the game edit isn't on any official CD, otherwise the track is way too long.
Final Fantasy 1987-1994 "My Home Sweet Home" - Heartrendingly bitter sweet
Oh man, it's been SO long since I've listened to that track. I absolutely love it... one of my favorite arranged tracks of all time (even more surprising for me since it's a vocal... and an English one)!
Had a really "chill" experience last night with a song I haven't heard in a while. SMALL TWO OF PIECES from Xenogears. I seriously felt like I was high on something the whole time it was playing, and I still remembered all the lyrics. Could very well be my favorite VGM vocal. What a rush!
DUDE. Back when I first got the Xenogears OST, I would listen to "Small of Two Pieces" on REPEAT every night before going to bed, until I fell asleep...for about THREE months straight. Good times!
Adam Corn wrote:Final Fantasy "My Home Sweet Home" - Heartrendingly bitter sweet
Oh man, it's been SO long since I've listened to that track. I absolutely love it... one of my favorite arranged tracks of all time (even more surprising for me since it's a vocal... and an English one)!
Well, partially English, anyway. The rest is in Sámi.
Agreed, though - it is a lovely piece. The Dear Friends version is far superior to the one featured in Vocal Collection II.
1. Final Fantasy VII - Tifa's Theme
(Listening to it just makes me want to sigh about the past years I played this game)
2. Streets of Rage 2 - Slow Moon
(brilliant track from Yuzo Koshiro)
3. Silent Hill 2 - Theme of Laura
(Akira's best track in the game IMO)
4. Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune - Blue Blazes
(Such a trancy floaty tune, that gives me the chills when it kicks in)
5. Final Fantasy XIII - Saber's Edge Boss Theme
(Masashi Hamauzu's best piece of music for me)
The nostalgic feeling the FF ost's have on me are too many to list, but these are the main ones:)
"Eternal Glacies" from the Panzer Dragoon Orta soundtrack.
Oh, that would have to be Ys IV's "Temple of the Sun" (from Perfect Collection vol.3) . This might be the powerful track I've heard in vgm. And no it doesn't belong in my favorites list; I could count the number of times I've listened to this track on less than two hands. It's an experience that I savor. The whole album is godlike, but this track is the pinnacle.
Here here. I've actually been listening to all of his Ys IV Perfect Collection albums the past few days. That track is indeed incredible! I'd really like to own actual copies of those albums!
Excellent discussion!
Dracula X (Turbo Duo Version) Bloodlines: The very beginning of that song seeing it with the game always gave me chills when i first saw this game back in 93 at my neighbors head. When that level name slides on screen and that awesome ambient synth begins. Chills!
FF VII Opening~Bombing Mission: The whole part in the beginning of intro where the camera is zooming out the city and the title comes up and quick cuts of train pulling into station as camera zooms back in to other side of city. Euphoric!
Omega Five ~ Violent Guardian (Arranged version by Takanori Sato): Awesome synth solos in this. Chills!
All volumes of Perfect Collection Ys IV The Dawn of Ys - Ryo Yonemitsu: No words to describe. Just simply incredible.
XBox 360 Menu Music in Mushihimesama Futari Ver 1.5 (when you choose mode of game, ver 1.5, arrange, black label). Just bought this game the other day and when this came on I was like "...wow" Chills followed.
There's more but these are first that come to mind right now!
"XBox 360 Menu Music in Mushihimesama Futari Ver 1.5 (when you choose mode of game, ver 1.5, arrange, black label). Just bought this game the other day and when this came on I was like "...wow" Chills followed."
That tune is great. I sent my copy of the game to someone to rip it (and then possibly put it up here for people to download). Still waiting on the rip. I'm amazed no one has ripped it on the internet from what I've seen.
"XBox 360 Menu Music in Mushihimesama Futari Ver 1.5 (when you choose mode of game, ver 1.5, arrange, black label). Just bought this game the other day and when this came on I was like "...wow" Chills followed."
That tune is great. I sent my copy of the game to someone to rip it (and then possibly put it up here for people to download). Still waiting on the rip. I'm amazed no one has ripped it on the internet from what I've seen.
Aw yes!!! Please put that up! I can't even find this OST anywhere! And that OST came out in 07 and I assume does not even have that music as it seems like that one menu is exclusive to the 360 version of the game.
Guilty Gear X-Awe of She
Ibara - Guardian Angel
Sailing to the World - Point of No Return
F-Zero X - Crazy Call At Cry
Persona 3 FES - Darkness
Winbee's Neo Cinema ~Evergreen side~ - FarewellMost recent:
Senko No Ronde - North Star
Senko No Ronde - Grey Lips
Yes! That arrangement of "Farewell" on that Winbee's Neo Cinema album gives me chills as well! That guitar solo is magical!
vert1 wrote:"XBox 360 Menu Music in Mushihimesama Futari Ver 1.5 (when you choose mode of game, ver 1.5, arrange, black label). Just bought this game the other day and when this came on I was like "...wow" Chills followed."
That tune is great. I sent my copy of the game to someone to rip it (and then possibly put it up here for people to download). Still waiting on the rip. I'm amazed no one has ripped it on the internet from what I've seen.
Aw yes!!! Please put that up! I can't even find this OST anywhere! And that OST came out in 07 and I assume does not even have that music as it seems like that one menu is exclusive to the 360 version of the game.
And now for the first time on the internet:
credits go to lakerhunter2 for ripping it.
Not going to come out with any list, but one that comes immediately to mind is the Final Stage of Axelay when you enter the fortress. For some reason, it gives me that "This stage is NO joke" feel to it and you WILL get physically/emotionally scarred if you succeed.
I love that this thread was resurrected.
"Currents" from Genso Suikoden II Orrizonte (arrange album)
"Overture" from Romancing SaGa 3 Windy Tale (zoom in on like 0:40 to 1:20 and let the tears commence)
Temple of Drifting Sands" from Nier (among so many other songs!)
"Pandora" and "Cumulus" from Ys VI ~Songs of Zemeth~
"Truth" (2-24) from Vagrant Story
Man, I haven't been on this board in a long while. Glad to see this thread revived, indeed!
Been on a SNK/KOF rush with the music for the last week or so. There are so many nominees for songs in that series that induce the chills for sure, but these are the main ones:
1) Tears (KOF 99) - Kyo's grown-into-maturity-with-the-hard-knocks theme. The forlorn 'Esaka' bit in there with the sad melody is just so beautiful. Even more so in the arranged version, where the guitars seem to weep with its protagonist's situation.
2) Goodbye Esaka (KOF 2000) - Yet another Kyo theme. The arranged version is simply mind-boggling wonderful. The part that always gives me chills is when the guitars seem to wail on the main part of the theme. Sayonara Esaka and SNK - you can so feel the pain in this one along with the fight to remain true to oneself.
3) Rhythmic Hallucination (KOF 97) - The New Faces Orochi team theme. So badass and layered and downright menacing. Just the song itself screams intimidation and a good fight to come.
4) Control Crisis (KOF 97) - Orochi Iori and Leona's 'all hell's breaking loose and we're insane' theme. Creepy with a great bassline and just pure awesome. I still remember hearing this the first time I went up against Orochi Iori and being utterly freaked out.
5) Arashi no Saxophone 2 (KOF 96) - The arranged version wins hands down. It's the sax that induces the chills here. I love me some jazz and I love me some sax and this one is sooo smooth. Iori Yagami gets some of the best themes in KOF and considering this works with his story background (bassist in a jazz band), it's even neater when all his themes pretty much can take the cake.
Silent Hill Homecoming - Elle Theme
Listening to this right now. Mary Elizabeth McGlynn's voice regularly sends chills down my spine but this song really does it to me, especially the last minute or so. Damn!