SQU/\REHE/\D May 21, 2010 (edited May 21, 2010)
I don't know if you guys are interested in that game by Rockstar. I purchased a copy the other day and I'm loving it despite a few hilarious bugs it has. The music is quite pleasant while playing and reminds me of classic Bernstien and Morricone.
The music is composed by: Bill Elm and Woody Jackson (sounds like a bunch of hill billies, no wonder the music feels so appropriate?)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAvyU-kH … re=related
Horse Play
The Shootist:
El Club de los Cuerpos
Dead End Alley:
Full OST can be purchased on I-Tunes and you can get it for free if you buy the Red Dead Redemption Special Edition on PS3 from Gamestop.