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Chris May 27, 2010

It seems that I'll have to buy my first ever Sengoku Basara soundtrack. Yup, Otani's scoring Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes. … m=&ucat=2&

Your thoughts?

I think Otani is a wonderful choice for this title, given his capacity to integrate traditional Japanese instruments in such an artistic way. I really like the sample on the official site too.

Cogo May 27, 2010

Since Shadow of the Colossus, Otani has become one of the composers I respect the most. The only bad news about this announcement is that maybe this means that Otani does not compose the music for The Last Guardian. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Chris May 27, 2010

I don't think that's a reasonable extension. Imagine and Otani are optimised to produce large amounts of music quickly and often work on several major scores a year. The Last Guardian has had a long development time and is still not dated, so there is plenty of time for Otani to work on it. Absolutely no official announcements yet though.

Ramza May 29, 2010

I have little to no interest in Basara, but I'll certainly check out the music since Otani is the man. Thanks for the news. smile

Dag May 29, 2010

No T's Music? Not sure if want...
The other Basara games had some great, Capcom-like music: guitars, synth, japanese instruments, orchestra,  electronica, even accordions.

Can he pull it off? I'm not too familiar with his style. At least the sample in the official site sounds very Basara-ish.

Dais May 29, 2010

you can't judge Otani's range just by his video game projects. Check out all the stuff he's worked on:

dude knows what he's doing.

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