XLord007 Jun 14, 2010
Microsoft really had nothing of interest to show other than the non-exclusive, but very cool looking Metal Gear Solid Rising and the 360 Slim with its imminent release. Other than that, pretty much nothing there for me, but I will admit that Kinect looks very cool for non-gaming applications like watching movies, video chat, and excercising. The Wii rip-off games, however, look very lame. Of course, since all of these Kinect things seem to be positioned at women, I'd really like to know what MSFT is planning on charging for Kinect and exactly what they plan to do to get women to care. The 360 has a reputation for being a sweaty gamer box, without any of the family friendliness of the cute little Wii, and the new 360 slim looks too much like a gaming PC. So, MSFT: you've built it, how will you make them come?