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GoldfishX Jun 28, 2010

XLord007 wrote:

Reggie has now confirmed that the U.S. release of the 3DS won't be until next year, presumably still by the end of March, but who knows.  I'm kinda wondering if Nintendo will use a spring release to justify a premium price to profit from the early adopters and then lower the price come fall 2011 for the mass market.  Should be interesting.

I would say is dependent on what Sony does, regarding a new PSP (or even a redesign of the current PSP). It's not like they're in dire need to stay ahead of the market in this case. They can dominate the handheld market without the 3DS for the time being.

Jay Jun 28, 2010

Yep and they're probably thinking they can get one more big Christmas season out of the current DS models, which are likely cheaper to produce.

SonicPanda Jun 28, 2010

I remember hearing they were going to discount all existing DS/i systems shortly, and I hope they do so before Risky's Revenge hits.

XLord007 Jun 30, 2010

Just after I posted that, Nintendo back pedaled and reiterated the "sometime between now and March 31" release timeframe, so either Reggie said something he wasn't supposed to or they're still trying to make the holiday.  Hmmm.

As for the DSi prices, they are going down in Japan (a look at the stagnant Japanese hardware charts should tell you why), but no U.S. price drops have been announced yet, though I'd expect our prices to come down once we get closer to the 3DS' release.

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