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XLord007 Jun 15, 2010 (edited Jun 15, 2010)

Gonna say it right now: I did not like Sony's conference.  Kevin Butler was great, and Portal 2 was a nice (and true) surprise, but other than that it pretty much sucked.  It was way too long, and while I'm sure Move works just fine, it really is just the Wii in HD and doesn't offer anything new, unlike Kinect.  Move will be better for actual gaming than Kinect, but the non-gaming applications of Kinect excite me a lot more than Move, at least right now.  Pricing wasn't so great either.  To get one move wand, one move nunchuck, and the Eye Toy at once will cost you $130 (also includes Sports Champions).  Kinect is rumored to cost $150, but MSFT hasn't announced a price yet.  Both are way overpriced if you ask me.

As for games, I was hugely disappointed not to see ANYTHING on two of the biggest games from last year's Sony conference: The Last Guardian and Rockstar's Agent.  I almost died laughing when Sony started making a big deal of Twisted Metal.  Who the f^ck cares?  Sure, it was cool in 1995, but the car combat genre died for a reason.  Let it stay dead.  At least we finally got to see some footage for The Third Birthday, and Patapon 3 is always welcome.  Maybe they'll actually put this one out on in disc in the U.S. this time.

And then there's the confusing PlayStation Plus network service.  No mention of cross-game chat or cloud saving, and not even Jack Tretton seems to be sure what exactly the point of the PS Plus service is other than to get you to pay them extra for no real reason.

Edit: After posting this, I realized I didn't even mention Sony's huge 3D push.  They're making a huge deal about something very few people will use until 2012.  No one's going to drop $2,000 - $5,000 to get a new TV just to play 3D games and watch 3D movies.  When your current HDTV breaks, I'm sure you will consider buying a 3D HDTV as a replacement, but can any of you honestly say you just can't wait to get a 3D TV and enough 3D glasses for yourself and your guests?  Didn't think so.

James O Jun 15, 2010

I spent a chunk of change on my 55" Sony XBR8 LED LCD TV a couple years ago... I'm not about to upgrade for quite some time.

Dais Jun 15, 2010

XLord007 wrote:

Kevin Butler was great


no, he was not.

XLord007 Jun 15, 2010

XLord007 wrote:

No mention of cross-game chat

Since I wrote this, cross-game chat has been announced.  It can be used by any PSN member, but it can only be initiated by a PS Plus member.

vert1 Jun 15, 2010

Killzone 3's neck snap. Yes!

GoldfishX Jun 16, 2010

Kevin Butler's commercials are awesome...His E3 appearance was awful. I don't care about Playstation Move. STFUKTHX.

Backwards compatibility in newer units would be REALLY nice. Much nicer than anything E3 I saw from Sony.

James O Jun 16, 2010

GoldfishX wrote:

Backwards compatibility in newer units would be REALLY nice. Much nicer than anything E3 I saw from Sony.

I don't understand why everyone keeps bringing this up... it's gone.  it's not coming back, probably not until a PS4, and then everyone will complain that it's not backwards compatible with PS3 games.  I'd say if you want a PS3 with backwards compatibility you're gonna have to seek out a launch 60GB phat probably.

GoldfishX Jun 16, 2010 (edited Jun 16, 2010)

James O wrote:
GoldfishX wrote:

Backwards compatibility in newer units would be REALLY nice. Much nicer than anything E3 I saw from Sony.

I don't understand why everyone keeps bringing this up... it's gone.  it's not coming back, probably not until a PS4, and then everyone will complain that it's not backwards compatible with PS3 games.  I'd say if you want a PS3 with backwards compatibility you're gonna have to seek out a launch 60GB phat probably.

Um...okay? Maybe if "everyone is bringing this up", it indicates demand? ;p

I think the focus of what I said was backwards comp would have been much more exciting than anything Sony has shown at the show so far (I've said in the past I want it, but can live without the PS3 all the same, much less a 4-5 year old used console). I personally think it's stupid to try stepping into Nintendo's territory with wand control (and Microsoft territory with what is basically Playstation Live) instead of focusing on something that their competitors can't do a damn thing about, especially since people would...ahem, be more than willing to pay extra $$$ for the feature if it's cost-prohibitive for Sony.

PS2 was simply a dominant system that was home to many great exclusives and classics. I can't say I'd be missing much if the PS4 was lacking PS3 backwards comp.

James O Jun 16, 2010

GoldfishX wrote:

Um...okay? Maybe if "everyone is bringing this up", it indicates demand? ;p

everyone brings up FFVII remake too.  Demand is there, but Square-Enix isn't going to give us it either if at all.  They keep dangling the carrot tho which keeps the masses frothing.  Just because somebody wants it doesn't mean it's gonna happen or ever will...  I just think there's no use or point in false hope... 

GoldfishX wrote:

I think the focus of what I said was backwards comp would have been much more exciting than anything Sony has shown at the show so far (I've said in the past I want it, but can live without the PS3 all the same, much less a 4-5 year old used console). I personally think it's stupid to try stepping into Nintendo's territory with wand control (and Microsoft territory with what is basically Playstation Live) instead of focusing on something that their competitors can't do a damn thing about, especially since people would...ahem, be more than willing to pay extra $$$ for the feature if it's cost-prohibitive for Sony.

PS2 was simply a dominant system that was home to many great exclusives and classics. I can't say I'd be missing much if the PS4 was lacking PS3 backwards comp.

Well I hope your PS2 still works then heh.  but for the most part, corporations like Sony and Microsoft don't want to be looking back to the past, the push is always forward (even tho Move and Kinect are virtually steps backwards considering what Wii has done already but it's new territory for them). 

Nintendo was all about looking back in the beginning with the Virtual Console, but look at it now... I used to look forward to see what gems would be coming out each Monday - now 99% of it is WiiWare/DSiWare crap that doesn't interest me at all.

Didn't there used to be complaints about 360 BC with original XBox games? I barely hear anything about that anymore, but I never went the XBox route so i didn't really pay attention on that front...

GoldfishX Jun 16, 2010 (edited Jun 16, 2010)

You're quite the pessimist. It's not "false hope", it's simply "add this long-overdue feature which was originally taken out or I'll continue to support your competitor without buying your system". It's Sony's loss for not capturing those of us on the outer cusp of a purchase, not mine. My PS2 does work fine, but the upscaling feature and the wireless controller would be a nice bonus, in addition to saved space (plus the fact it's a Blu Ray player). Wouldn't be a big deal without the upscaling feature, but since it DOES have it...I dunno, just makes too much sense to add it in.

As for the FFVII remake, I'm not sure how crazy I am about the inevitable links to the whole "Compilation of FFVII" which would no doubt show up. I'd be satisfied if they would go back to the original game and just insert a proper ending! ;p

Yeah, the 360 is pretty poor with backwards compatibility overall. Most of my older fighters and retro compilations don't run on it (not a huge deal). And they did kill Live support for original games. Sadly, I think they could re-release 360 versions of Halo and Halo 2 and please 95% of Xbox fans that have an issue with it.

I want to agree on recent VC offerings (not that I've really been keeping up on them), but they added Rondo of Blood recently. That makes me a very happy goldfish.

Adam Corn Jun 16, 2010

Sony is never going to re-implement backwards compatibility in the PS3.  People can complain about it if they like, but it won't change the fact that it isn't going to happen.  If/when Sony finds a way to implement backwards compatibility through software, it'll be via paid downloads through the Playstation Network, or by slightly upgraded new editions like the God of War compilation, but in any case not by sliding in your old PS2 discs.

And they certainly aren't going to announce any such hypothetical backwards compatibility at E3 2010.

SonicPanda Jun 16, 2010

I am extremely disappointed that I haven't heard word one about the new Ape Escape that'd been mentioned before. That's more or less single-handedly why I'm interested in Move at all (there's LBP2 as well - loved the original, you might recall - but it's like having a burger instead of Thanksgiving dinner).
The Sly Collection would mean more if I hadn't plucked the series off eBay last year (thanks Zane), but the idea I heard about before the show of HD-makes of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are enticing even if I already have them.
Speaking of which, where's Last Guardian?

Ashley Winchester Jun 16, 2010

James O wrote:
GoldfishX wrote:

Um...okay? Maybe if "everyone is bringing this up", it indicates demand? ;p

everyone brings up FFVII remake too.  Demand is there, but Square-Enix isn't going to give us it either if at all.  They keep dangling the carrot tho which keeps the masses frothing.  Just because somebody wants it doesn't mean it's gonna happen or ever will...  I just think there's no use or point in false hope...

For a company that is creatively bankrupt, you'd think they'd hit the easiest easy button of them all.

Qui-Gon Joe Jun 16, 2010

Ashley Winchester wrote:

For a company that is creatively bankrupt, you'd think they'd hit the easiest easy button of them all.

Then they'd have to make HD towns!  The general excuse for not having an FF7 remake is that they couldn't afford to do it in HD.

Amazingu Jun 16, 2010

Qui-Gon Joe wrote:

Then they'd have to make HD towns!  The general excuse for not having an FF7 remake is that they couldn't afford to do it in HD.

Yeah, God knows noone else has ever been able to make towns in HD...
God, that Toriyama is a bloody idiot.

I also keep reading that, apparently, to remake FF7 would take more than 10 years or something.

Look, Square, if you're not going to do it, fine, but at least stop making goddamn ridiculous excuses already.

Ashley Winchester Jun 16, 2010

Amazingu wrote:

I also keep reading that, apparently, to remake FF7 would take more than 10 years or something.

Hahaha... that's rich. I mean, ok, the development cycles for big name games are quite literally insane anymore. Who really can stand reading about games that are 3 years away? I can't. Still, it's not like it's a completely new IP, you would think the fact that it already exist in one form would shave some time off remaking it.

Besides, 10 years? What's that in the vast scheme of things? Square Enix could just snack on acquired companies and IPs during that time to finance it, it's what they do now... I find it weird they freaking own Edios.

Tim JC Jun 16, 2010

Final Fantasy XIV was the highlight for me, and it delivered the goods. Didn't care too much for anything else. The FF theme (music) made a return in the new trailer for XIV. The game itself is really shaping up. I played FFXI for a year or so, and this one looks like a better experience in every respect. Still, I might just opt to watch my brother play it instead of diving back into the addiction myself.

In other news, I'd really like to check out that newfangled 3DS thingie. But this time I'll wait a year for Nintendo to come out with the superior second version.

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