Point is, you have to determine the credibility of a person's opinion yourself.
By saying that a person shouldn't write reviews, or that they ought to write better reviews, is an opinion in itself; no matter who you are, there are going to be people who think you have a credible opinion, and those who think you have an unjustified opinion; if "Shitty" reviews became ILLEGAL, no one would be allowed to write reviews AT ALL, because, like I just said, every reviewer is going to have people who think that they write "Shitty" reviews. I think everyone already knows my stance on law...
This sounds like a cop-out, but if you don't like reading (a) particular/certain review(s), then, don't read it/them!
GoldfishX wrote:One minor addition: Kickbacks from game companies make just about everything the majority of reviews (especially overly positive ones) say meaningless anyway. Even if it's not exactly "here's 10,000 smackers...no less than a 9.5/10 and don't mention the lousy framerate", it might hurt the reviewer's site or magazine for future coverage of games from the company or publisher. Imagine a site giving FFXIII a negative review and then getting shut out of future SE games. Very possible. With the cost of games as large as they are, I tend to trust word of mouth reviews or forum posts much more than most publications (online or print) before I drop $$$ on the game.
Yup. Game reviews from official publications and other news outlets are little more than outsourced marketing, these days.
However, even if I was a professional...ahem *professional* reviewer, I'd find my euphemisms for "Crappy," so that I satisfy the company's desire for me not to lambaste one of their crappy games, but still communicate to the public that they ought to avoid the game. Gotta find a happy moderate in life!
That all said, I still believe all manner of reviews still have their place; there's a lot of things I wouldn't have known about if it hadn't been for reviews; just browsing the inventory at the store is one thing, but actually being told, "Hey, you oughta check this game out, and here's why..." still tells you a whole lot more than the description on the back of the packaging.
Beyond Good & Evil, I never would've looked twice at, much less even seen once, if it hadn't been for the short paragraph in EGM. I remember having to pull it out from behind a bunch of other crap when I was looking for it on the shelf after reading the review...it had already gone down to $20 by then, too, so it was getting phased off of shelves! I would've gladly paid $50 for it, too; short yes, but, MAN, was it ever a sweet experience...
There ARE reviews that DROP the ball, like EGM's review of Drakengard for the PS2, and the guy rated it down for the suggested incest that was part of the plot; now, I'm against incest and all, but that's a part I can ignore; it's not like the game was PROMOTING incest - the world of Drakengard was SUPPOSED to be messed up, and that's why I enjoyed it; it really was along the lines of a Greek or Renaissance era tragedy. Not everything can be candy land, y'know?
For the most part, I often read reviews for THE WRITER'S OPINION. Sometimes, they're ENTERTAINING to read! Imagine that, reading for entertainment's sake. I don't always agree with the writer, but if they still make me laugh my ass off, it's actually fun to read, but I often end up saying, "Damn, you're funny! But, I'm still going to play that game anyway. Thanks for the laughs, though! I never would've looked at it that way!"
Super Mario Galaxy 2, I've played plenty of Mario games enough before to know it's going to be good; all I need to know is when it's coming out (it already has, but just as an example...), but if you want to write a review anyway, and maybe throw in some jokes about how the things you do in video-games are actually quite absurd, okay, sure, shoot!
Sin & Punishment, though, was a franchise I've never heard of, until I read reviews, and figured out that it was actually supposed to be some kind of shooter. From the sound of it, I would've figured it was some kind of FPS like Doom, or more recently, Gears of War. So, yeah, I'm gonna wanna read about something I've never heard the likes of, before.