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Ashley Winchester Jun 28, 2010

In continuing these theme threads, I wanted to know if anyone could help me find some more sad music. I have a core list of sad tinged songs I listen to regularly but am looking for more:

Temple of Chaos (Nobuo Uematsu, Final Fantasy [remake])
The Ruined Sparkling City (Yoko Shimomura, Legend of Mana)
Maridia Rocky Underwater Area (Minako Hamano, Super Metroid)
Mysterious Glitter (Kenji Ito, Romancing Saga -Mistrel Song-)
Theme (Masashi Hamauzu, SaGa Frontier 2)
Mist Began to Form (Motoi Sakuraba, Star Ocean: The Second Story)
Ice Crystal (Motoi Sakuraba, Star Ocean: Till the End of Time)
Bonded by Claire (Junya Nakano, Threads of Fate)
One Day You'll Forget Your Hopes and Dreams (Noriyasu Agematsu, Wild Arms 5)
June [er, October] Mermaid (Yasunori Mitsuda, Xenogears)
Omen (Yasunori Mitsuda, Xenogears)
The Mystic Forest (Nobuo Uematsu, Final Fantasy VI)
From Your Tears... (Masato Kouda, Wild Arms 4)

Can anyone help me find some more pathos?

the_miker Jun 28, 2010

Sad Song (Yoko Shimomura, Super Mario RPG)

Ashley Winchester Jun 28, 2010

the_miker wrote:

Sad Song (Yoko Shimomura, Super Mario RPG)

Some are probably gonna kill me for this, but that entire soundtrack has fallen by the wayside for me. I seriously don't know what happened... even the tracks I like aren't really doing it for me anymore.

Herrkotowski Jun 28, 2010

Hmm...sad songs...

Grief from an cinniuint (Mitsuda)
Prisoners of Fate (Mitsuda)

I'll think of more, but those two, especially "Grief" really hit home!

Bernhardt Jun 28, 2010 (edited Jun 28, 2010)

Dude? Entirely quarters of entire SOUNDTRACKS often consist of sorrowful music; I'll get back to you when I have more time to extrapolate.

Ashley Winchester wrote:

Temple of Chaos (Nobuo Uematsu, Final Fantasy [remake])

Ehh, I guess it does sort of have a sorrowful tone to it, but I think more along the lines of "Mysterious" with that piece. Interpretation, I guess...

Now, you want a sorrowful piece from the FFI & II PSX OST? Try "Ruined Castle" (Disc 1, Track 24) from FFI; it's very evocative of a once great kingdom, now in ruins.

Ashley Winchester Jun 28, 2010

Bernhardt wrote:

Dude? Entirely quarters of entire SOUNDTRACKS often consist of sorrowful music; I'll get back to you when I have more time to extrapolate.

Ashley Winchester wrote:

Temple of Chaos (Nobuo Uematsu, Final Fantasy [remake])

Ehh, I guess it does sort of have a sorrowful tone to it, but I think more along the lines of "Mysterious" with that piece. Interpretation, I guess...

I know what you mean... I still feel a tinge of sorrow in there.

Ashley Winchester wrote:

Now, you want a sorrowful piece from the FFI & II PSX OST? Try "Ruined Castle" (Disc 1, Track 24) from FFI; it's very evocative of a once great kingdom, now in ruins.

I like that one too.

SonicPanda Jun 28, 2010 (edited Jun 29, 2010)

Raziel Jun 29, 2010

The whole Abandoner soundtrack. Seriously, "Deeds Not Words" is one of the few compositions that has made me shed tears.

For me, there's different kinds of sad music. I'm not overly fond of too sentimental tracks, and prefer minimalistic approaches. Unfortunately in most of the soundtracks (especially in RPG-s), the former atmosphere is preferred.

James O Jun 29, 2010

I've always found the game over music for the SaGa series to be quite sad.

Angela Jun 29, 2010

Hiroki Kikuta's Innocent Sea from Seiken Densetsu 3.  Sorrow personified.

Bernhardt Jun 29, 2010 (edited Jun 29, 2010)

Okay, sorrowful music! I can do this! Let's do this! Okay, alright! Alright, okay!

I'll go by soundtrack:

Star Ocean 3 ~ Till the End of Time

"Misted Moon" (Vol.1, Disc 1, Track 06)
"Lakes and Marshes with Doubt" (V1, D1, T07)
"Chrysanthemum in Winter" (V1, D1, T09)
"Fallen Leaves (Flute Version)" (V1, D1, T08)
"Fallen Leaves" (V1, D2, T13)
"Till the End of Time" (V1, D1, T12)
"Requiem for a Saint" (V1, D1, T18)
"Rust Color" (V2, D1, T11) - Man, do I ever love the Western flavor of this one!
"Ice Crystal" (V1, D2, T01)
"So Alone, Be Sorrow" (V1, D2, T08)
"So Alone, Be Sorrow (Piano Version)" (V1, D2, T06)


I'll post more later.

Angela wrote:

Hiroki Kikuta's Innocent Sea from Seiken Densetsu 3.  Sorrow personified.

Sound quality on that is excellent! Man, do I ever miss the SD3 OST... (T_T)

longhairmike Jun 29, 2010

Angela wrote:

Hiroki Kikuta's Innocent Sea from Seiken Densetsu 3.  Sorrow personified.

and you may ask yourself "why the hell hasnt squeenix remade this for DS yet?"

avatar! Jun 29, 2010

Well, this likely isn't what you're looking for, but I recommend operas.
A good opera to start is Madame Butterfly by Puccini. It has lots of uplifting and exciting moments (in my opinion), but overall very beautiful and sad. Of course opera isn't for everyone, but I love it!



Bernhardt Jun 29, 2010 (edited Jun 29, 2010)

longhairmike wrote:
Angela wrote:

Hiroki Kikuta's Innocent Sea from Seiken Densetsu 3.  Sorrow personified.

and you may ask yourself "why the hell hasnt squeenix remade this for DS yet?"

Or released a translated version on Virtual Console?

The Secret of Mana / Seiken Densetsu series, I'd swear is one that Square-Enix is trying to kill or make die; either that, or they've gotten incompetent with it, like how SEGA tried "Innovating" with Sonic, when all anyone really wanted was another side-scroller.

I guess Seiken Densetsu 3 didn't sell too well when it came out in Japan? Or did it?

Tim JC Jun 29, 2010

Hepatica (KOS-MOS) ~ Kajiura, Xenosaga III (one of my favorites)

Desert Oasis ~ Sakuraba, Tales of the Abyss (peaceful/melancholy)

Kazarov Stonehenge ~ Nishiura, Dark Chronicle (haunting)

October Child ~ Kanno, Napple Tale (tender/sad)

Grandpa's Violin ~ Kajiura, .Hack//Sign (from an anime, but hey, it's related to video games. So beautiful. If instruments could literally cry....)

Chiisana Hana from Popolocrois II, arranged for bagpipe/tin whistle (bagpipes=sad!)

Time's Arm ~ Mitsuda, World Destruction (I think I equate all children's choir vocals to sad and moving. Shivers.)

Daniel K Jun 29, 2010

American McGee's Alice - Wonderland Woods
American McGee's Alice - Pool of Tears
Resident Evil 2 - Leon with Claire
Resident Evil 2 - Ada's Theme
Dewprism - Bonded by Claire
Seiken Densetsu 2 - Phantom and a Rose
Seiken Densetsu 2 - A Wish
Seiken Densetsu 3 - Fable
Silent Hill: Homecoming - Witchcraft
Silent Hill 3 - Please Love Me... Once More
Silent Hill 3 - Dance With Night Wind
Silent Hill 1 - Tears of...

And of course, much of kt2's output...

Daniel K Jun 29, 2010

Ah, forgot this one:

Chrono Trigger - The Last Day of the World

Bernhardt Jun 29, 2010 (edited Jun 29, 2010)

Daniel K wrote:

Ah, forgot this one:

Chrono Trigger - The Last Day of the World

The two really sorrowful themes I remember from Chrono Trigger are:

(Albeit possibly incorrectly titled)

"Day of Revival" (D2, T06)
"At the Bottom of Night" (D3, T03)

(Between Chrono Trigger and Xenogears, why are tracklistings for Mitsuda's soundtracks often poorly translated? I'm guessing because the interest in VGM in the U.S. was still pretty new around then?)

I suppose you could chalk up

"Singing Mountain" (D3, T01)

as well, although, I find that piece more evocative of a reconciliation, rather than mourning. Still a very moving piece, either way.

You could also add

Schala's Theme (D3, T06)

to the list, though I find it more evocative of desperation, rather than depression,


"Wind Song" (D1, T09)

which I find rather evocative of a medieval world in which life is short, and rife with hunger, pestilence, and war.

Megadeth Jun 30, 2010 (edited Jun 30, 2010)

chrono trigger - at the bottom of night

its one of most saddest theme I've ever heard

also breath of fire 2 - twisted bridge

Moses Jun 30, 2010

I'm in SNES mood today, so...

Famicom Tantei Club 2
The Dean Room
The Suicided Dean


Treasure Hunter G
Of My Life, I Regret Nothing
"Wow, What a Story"
Dead Town
Sad Freedom

Romancing SaGa
Deserted Village

Breath of Fire
Town in Despair
Alan and Cerl Forever

Breath of Fire 2
Give Me a Chance...
You Must Live!
More Than Words

Live A Live

Enough for now.

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