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Schala Jul 5, 2010

Don't know if these have been posted elsewhere, but I finally got around to actually typing them up and posting them on my site. Here they are for your reading enjoyment:

Cedille Jul 5, 2010 (edited Jul 5, 2010)

OSV covers FFXIII Plus.

Btw, as posted elsewhere, I've long suspected there are some mistranslations in that liner notes. That 8 minute string and 16 minute piano nonsense in "The Hanging Edge" is obvious, but I also think 'reduce the wow factor' in Lake Bresha is odd, since it sounds as if the acoustic violin brought something negative to that track. The original message was more like "With even one acoustic violin, it gets far less synthetic".

FuryofFrog Jul 6, 2010


WOW. Seriously when I first got into buying game music RPGFan, Chudah's Corner, and FF Music. I learned about bootlegs and special editions and differences between albums.

You are one of my heroes.

Ramza Jul 6, 2010

I'm also a huge FFMusic fan, fwiw.

Schala Jul 6, 2010

Cedille wrote:

Btw, as posted elsewhere, I've long suspected there are some mistranslations in that liner notes. That 8 minute string and 16 minute piano nonsense in "The Hanging Edge" is obvious, but I also think 'reduce the wow factor' in Lake Bresha is odd, since it sounds as if the acoustic violin brought something negative to that track. The original message was more like "With even one acoustic violin, it gets far less synthetic".

Cool, thanks for the link. ^_~ Gonna have to remember to link back to that. And yeah, that particular phrase caught my attention too -- I was thinking, "reduce the wow factor"?? Why would you want to do that?

FuryofFrog wrote:

You are one of my heroes.

Ramza wrote:

I'm also a huge FFMusic fan, fwiw.

Hehe, thanks, the two of you. ^_~ Yeah, unfortunately I haven't had much time lately to update, but it's still coming along. ^_~

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