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Yuvraj Jul 18, 2010

longhairmike wrote:
longhairmike wrote:
Daniel K wrote:

-Metroid Metal - Varia Suite

Metroid-tunes rearranged as heavy metal. Yep. This had to happen someway, sometime, and seeing as Nintendo are too retarded to ever get the idea, the fans had to take matters into their own hands.

holy crap,, just ordered this now with the t-shirt deal...

delivered today,,, just posting again to reiterate my holy crap statement x 10

Even though I initially couldn't see myself diggin Metroid arranged in metal, I have to give major props to Grant Henry. He made an amazing album with Varia Suite and the flow is fantastic. If he'd publish a limited edition of this album I'd buy it again just to give him my dollars (eh converted from euros ofcourse).

My interest in arrange album has waned a bit. Lately I've only been listening some of the wacky albums Jodo put up and the occasional blast of SSH's old stuff. I do want to comment on Phantasy Star Sound Collection: I is a synth rock masterpiece or should I say 'a real tour de force of game music arrangements' (Daniel K, 2002, STC). ^_^. However I think II is amazing as well, it's not as all-round classic and epic as I, but it has some really really powerful tracks (End of the Millennium, Village, Organic Beat). Always thought it was underrated compared to I.

Daniel K Jul 30, 2010

Yuvraj wrote:

Phantasy Star Sound Collection: I is a synth rock masterpiece or should I say 'a real tour de force of game music arrangements' (Daniel K, 2002, STC). ^_^.

big_smile Has it really been 8 years already since that...? Crazy, just crazy how time flies. We'll be dead and buried in no time!

GoldfishX Jul 30, 2010

Daniel K wrote:
Yuvraj wrote:

Phantasy Star Sound Collection: I is a synth rock masterpiece or should I say 'a real tour de force of game music arrangements' (Daniel K, 2002, STC). ^_^.

big_smile Has it really been 8 years already since that...? Crazy, just crazy how time flies. We'll be dead and buried in no time!

Well, I think it is more of an overall timing thing...The whole 90's was pretty much the golden age for arrange albums, while the VGM scene in the US didn't really grow until the later 90's and into this past decade, where really great arranges have trickled out much slower (at least officially, since the past decade been such a boom for the fan arrange scene). But yeah, PS Sound Collection came out at the height of Falcom and Konami's arranging prowess and outdid many of their releases.

I'm going to toss Ys Origin Super Arrange into my "recent" list. Tossing out the first and last tracks, the whole thing really does expand the original pieces very nicely and is some of the best post-90's Falcom rock they have cranked out. After the crappiness of the Felghana Super Arrange, they came back HUGE with this one. Would very much like an Ys 7 Super Arrange. I have to give Zwei!! Super Arrange a quick mention as well, but as more of a successful grower than something that blew my mind upon first listen. When Falcom came back from the dead, it was not exactly the kind of music I wanted to hear from them. Nowadays, it's perfect for a change of pace on things.

And Gamadelic...Almost totally overlooked, both Delicious Selection and Back in the Gamadelic. Both are full of cheery 80's rock arranges and weird vocals. Their arranges are scattered among their many albums, so I'm glad they put out these compilations.

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