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Jodo Kast Sep 2, 2010

I was playing a few songs from this CD

at work and my friend told me to send it to him, since the guitar work was insane (he plays the guitar). I told him they haven't made much vgm, and he responded, "Because it probably took them eight years to make that." He was referring to track 4.

Well, if you haven't heard this doujin album, you should definitely grab it.

GoldfishX Sep 2, 2010

The style of rock for the first 3 Gig albums was what I wanted from the Rockman Rock Arrange. The bright, poppy style of rock with the ability to shift to a harder 80's style metal on a whim just feels perfect for it.

All three of them are essential listening, although arrangement-wise, 3rd Gig is pretty toned down compared to the first two. FF7's Fighting and Seiken Densetsu's In Search of the Holy Sword are indeed the huge highlights off of this one. They kinda lost me when they started doing vocal stuff.

Angela Sep 2, 2010

Thanks for the upload, Jodo!  A word of warning, though: my Avast! On Access scanner caught a trojan virus that got embedded in the Megaupload link.

vert1 Sep 2, 2010

All this virus talk has me nervous. Can you email me this track 4, Jodo?

SonicPanda Sep 2, 2010

I think I found it on youtube. Quite nice.

Jodo Kast Sep 3, 2010

vert1 wrote:

All this virus talk has me nervous. Can you email me this track 4, Jodo?

Any sort of pleasure comes with possible deleterious consequences. Also, emailing won't eliminate the possibility of a viral infection. I don't see much difference between tapping another computer and tapping some tail.

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