Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

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darxiide Sep 4, 2010

Video by Seattle Musicians "DARXIIDE"
DARXIIDE - SPINDASH (Music Video) "NW Sonic Boom!"
Artist: Sic ill & Shame from DARXIIDE
Song: Spindash
Youtube -

Adam Corn Sep 5, 2010

Okay it's been a while since I played Sonic 2 but is there anything inspired by it in this video besides the words spin dash?  The music??

Amazingu Sep 5, 2010

That is one of the most horrible things I've ever seen in my entire life.

Ashley Winchester Sep 5, 2010

It's "viral" all right....

Jay Sep 5, 2010

First rule of viral marketing - don't announce it as 'viral'.

    Pages: 1

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