Ashley Winchester Sep 22, 2010
The other week, I did something kind of boneheaded.
I left my 60GB iPod in my car with the windows down.
Long story short, it's gone.
Ironic part: the car was parked right in front of my house in what is a relatively small town, not that that means anything.
Now, I know it was my fault - I'm usually super psychotically worried about the whereabouts of the device - but for some reason I wasn't really mad. I had the thing for over two years so I guess you could say I got my money out of it, but there something else that's puzzling me.
I don't really miss the thing and, quite honestly, I don't feel any desire to replace it either.
Does anyone else get the feeling that as much as these devices try to simplify our music libraries they simultaneously complicate them?
I've been making mixed CDs since my sister's old car has a CD player in it - yes, I've joined the last millennium - and been having a blast doing it. One of the great things is I only have to worry about one volume knob - yay!