Idolores Oct 15, 2010
Alright, so thanks to the machinations of a crazy uncle and more than a bit of generosity on my little brother's behalf, I have come into possession of a PSP. Almost immediately, I began scouring pawn shops and used game stores for games I had always wanted to play but lacked the means to do so.
My absolute first order of business was to track down Crisis Core, which I am pretty fond of, outside of a few hiccups in presentation that don't sit well with me (Sephiroth's dumb-as-hell Macross-style dogfight with Angeal and Genesis comes to mind immediately, for instance). Music is great, and the team did a good job of translating the trappings of FF7's materia system to this faster paced action game. I like it.
I picked up Valkyrie Profile, Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero?, and Final Fantasy Tactics, all for very cheap. I'm surprised at how depressing VP is, and that I missed out on it for this long. The amount of polish present in the spritework and pre-rendered backgrounds is remarkable. I'm not too far in, so I can't comment on the soundtrack, but what I've heard is nice, albeit standard-issue Sakuraba fare. I am excited to play more.
FFT is just as great as I remember. The much-needed retranslation effort is amazing, about the same level of linguistic polish as that of Alexander O. Smith's work on Vagrant Story, but as far as I know, it's someone else's work this time around. Great game, all told.
I picked Prinny up because I was intrigued by its' visual style, knowing next to nothing about the games' pedigree. What I got was an old school platformer with tight gameplay, music that teeters between dark and whimsical, and a wonderful sense of humor. I really like it.
So what can STC recommend for me? I'm open to all suggestions!