Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

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VGMaddict! Oct 27, 2010

Currently listening to some older arrange albums (double dragon 2, insector x) and I was wondering if there are any more arrange albums worth listening to from this era?

Ashley Winchester Oct 27, 2010

If you like Rockman X music and want to take it in a different (jazzy) direction:

I find it hard to enjoy many arrange albums in general however.

Crash Oct 27, 2010

If you liked Double Dragon II, you would probably like the other O'Bits albums:

V'Ball (
Ninja Gaiden II (
Nekketsu High School Dodgeball Club Soccer Edition (

Other arranged albums from the era that I would also recommend:
All Over Xanadu (
Falcom JDK Band (
Game Music Graffiti (
Super Mario Bros. 3 Akihabara Electric Circus (
Musics from Super Star Soldier (
Symphonic Suite from Actraiser (

VGMaddict! Oct 30, 2010

Nice stuff, especially this is namco and mega selection!! Any more, obscure albums?

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