XLord007 Jul 19, 2011 (edited Jul 19, 2011)
There are two reasons why I love the Harry Potter books: they have absolutely fantastic characterization, and Rowling has created an amazingly detailed, self-contained world in much the same way that George Lucas did with Star Wars. She's also a pretty damn good writer, and her prose is both accessible and engaging.
I think it's amusing that you are comparing the Harry Potter books to the Chronicles of Narnia books. I read all of those as well, and they're more or less junk, except for the rather charming third and fourth books (Dawn Treader and Silver Chair). They are simplistic and obnoxiously preachy. Charming in parts, and certainly appropriate for children, but nothing I would recommend to anyone over the age of ten. The Harry Potter books have something for readers of all ages, and I'm willing to bet that you will be wrong about their future significance.