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GoldfishX May 3, 2006

First more than enough 2D goodness and now a sequel to SNK vs Capcom: Cardfighters Clash!

I probably played the original Card Fighters Clash on the Neo Pocket more than any other handheld game (well over 100 hours). Hoping for a US release and Wifi play (could never find anyone else with a Neo Pocket to link with). Hopefully though, they'll balance things out...The most consistant winning formula was characters with instant kills or stuns when summoned and once your deck (and your opponent's decks, for that matter) becomes full of them, the game gets a little boring. But I enjoyed it so much, I just started over twice and built my way back up.

Wonder why it took six years to bring the game to a more mainstream system...

Can we hope for SNK vs Capcom: Match of the Millenium as well?

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