Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

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Ashley Winchester Dec 12, 2010

OMG... the stuff about MGS's game over screen is dead on. Snake! Snake! And just to hear someone mention rations...

At least I'm not the only one that sucks at the game.

There was another comedian that did some video game based stuff, but I can't remember who. Some of it went like this:

We had this game where you were this yellow dot, and you went around eating smaller white dots, and you were chased by ghosts!

Angela Dec 12, 2010

"Yes" on GTA IV.  God, that train station assassination was a bastard and a half.

Bernhardt Dec 12, 2010 (edited Dec 12, 2010)

I gave up on GTA IV when I had to taxi around prostitutes, and couldn't arrive in time over 3 or so tries...

MGS2 was the only game I was able to play and finish.

I'll agree that the controls for the game felt pretty stiff, especially between crouching, crawling, and switching between crouching and walking upright.

Got killed numerous times just from pressing crouch, when I should've pressed shoot.

XLord007 Dec 17, 2010

I like his point that games are the only art/entertainment form that you can fail at.

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