Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

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Smeg Jan 11, 2011

I can dig it.

Angela Jan 11, 2011 (edited Jan 13, 2011)

The Animal Crossing suite as a whole is lovely, but that arrangement of Gerudo Valley is pure sex.

Carl Jan 11, 2011 (edited Jan 11, 2011)

Was this even mentioned in Famitsu or anything? Why didn't we know about this in advance??

Nintendo didn't think of billing this as a concert, but they do it as a side-bonus to promote the freaking 3DS, of all things? 

WTF, it's not like press writers and media reporters who are there to be shown the 3DS really care/want music, but they get a show?

Maybe this will get some kind of Magazine DVD bundle like the Mario & Zelda Big Band concert did, but I'm still quite dumbfounded as to what goes on in their minds...

Angela Jan 11, 2011

Relax, guy.  Just enjoy the tunes.

Carl Jan 11, 2011 (edited Jan 11, 2011)

My brain has to accept that this doesn't make sense before I can just enjoy it.

I mean, Mario's 25th Anniversary was an ideal time to do a Mario Music Concert, but they didn't do anything like that...

But a 3DS Press Demo Conference, man that's the PERFECT time to do some music!!! 
It just doesn't compute, sorry... But yeah I'll get over it, Angie.

XLord007 Jan 13, 2011

Carl wrote:

But a 3DS Press Demo Conference, man that's the PERFECT time to do some music!!!

Just for the record, the event was a multi-day public expo, not a press event.

XISMZERO Jan 13, 2011

Ummm... I want an album from these guys, pronto. That fusion-jazz Zelda is warm butter.

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