Angela Jan 21, 2011 (edited Jan 21, 2011)
Following in the footsteps of 2009 and 2010, let's get a feel of what we're looking at in terms of video games this year.
[PS3]: Just picked up LittleBigPlanet 2, and while it's still early goings, I'm enjoying it a lot more than its predecessor. Items like the grappling hook and Grabinator add some nice variety to the overall level designs, and helps to alleviate some of Sackboy's troubling jumps. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception is the big PS3 exclusive of 2011, and it's undoubtedly one of the most anticipated games for me. Having HD remastered editions of both Ico and Shadow of the Colossus under one roof with the Team Ico Collection should be a nice compilation to own, provided they do it right. Which leads into The Last Guardian, which may or may not see release this year. I didn't get too far in the first InFamous, so we'll see where I am once InFamous 2 hits. I'm still undecided about Marvel Vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds; I've never cared for the 'Vs' series of fighting games at all, though the great character roster and potentially awesome music remixes will make me at least give it a chance. Finally, while they're both hitting PSN and XBLA, I'm more likely to pick up the PSN versions of Bionic Commando: Rearmed 2 and Hard Corps: Uprising.
[360]: In terms of Microsoft exclusives, it's all about Gears of War 3. This one is running neck to neck with Uncharted 3 as my most desired title. A shame it got pushed back to Fall, but it should be an insanely epic gaming season with these two hitting at the same time. Speaking of Epic, Bulletstorm is looking nifty, and may inject some much needed innovation to the first person shooter genre. id Software's RAGE has been getting a lot of hype, and it's certainly looking very good. Batman: Arkham City will be mindblowing, and for XBLA, I'm hoping Trouble Witches Neo and Radiant Silvergun will make it over here in the West. Dead Space 2 is less than a week away, and after the first game, I'm about ready for more scary, pants-soiling thrills.
[Wii]: I've all but given up on the Wii as a viable gaming device. I've had nothing but bad luck with getting the system to work properly, so I'll need to sit out on whatever notables are hitting this year. There is, of course, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword -- but more importantly, there's the new Rhythm Tengoku. Provided Nintendo decides to release it here, I'll do whatever's necessary to play it. What are the odds of The Last Story and Xenoblade (threads here and here) coming outside of Japan?
[DS]: I've already picked up Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, which was an awesome experience. Muliple playthroughs should sufficiently hold me over until they localize Gyakuten Kenji 2 / Ace Attorney Investigations 2, which will hopefully be this year. Seeing as how I've barely put a dent in Dragon Quest IX, I'm thinking of holding off on Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation. I'll wait up on the reviews for Okamiden.
[3DS]: Promises are all we've got to by right now, but what lofty promises indeed. Provided I even pick up a 3DS this year, I'm most looking forward to Paper Mario, Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D, Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition, and whatever that new Chocobo Racing title ends up being. Kid Icarus Uprising looks like it's shaping up nicely, so hopefully it's further along than we think.
[PSP]: Gotta hand it to XSEED for bringing over Ys SEVEN and The Oath in Felghana last year, and now we'll be getting Ys I & II Chronicles and The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky next. My collective memory of the first two Parasite Eve games is that they weren't great, so unless The 3rd Birthday does some wonderous things to the formula, I may have to pass. I haven't played much of the first Dissidia, so until I do, I'll probably hold off on Dissidia 012 or duodecim or whatever it ends up being called.
[iOS]: I can't say I'm exactly "looking forward" to games on the iOS, but I do hope that BigStack Studios goes through with a sequel to Sigma. Frankly, I don't see how they can improve on an already perfect formula.