Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

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Angela Jan 27, 2011

So there's a new single of Tangled's "I See the Light", as covered by Shannon Saunders, that I would love to have:

Being in the States, however, it's not something I can easily purchase.  Would a fellow STC'er who uses be able to purchase and download the song on my behalf, and send it my way?  The cost of the song is £0.89.  I'll gladly send you reimbursement via PayPal, plus a little extra for your trouble.

If anyone can oblige, shoot me an email via my Profile.  Thanks!

XLord007 Jan 27, 2011

They don't let Americans buy from their UK download store?

James O Jan 27, 2011

You can only buy MP3's from your own region's store.  So someone from the US cannot buy an MP3 from Amazon UK.  I'm in Canada, and I can't buy mp3's from Amazon's US site either. doesn't have an MP3 service yet... sad

It's in the MP3 terms of service agreement under territorial restrictions.

Angela Jan 27, 2011

Sadly, it's as James says.  It's a maddening affair, to say the least.

XLord007 Jan 27, 2011

I didn't realize they did that.  That's a shame.

TerraEpon Jan 28, 2011

Yeah, sometimes you have to wonder if they WANT people to pirate.

Jodo Kast Jan 28, 2011

I stated this at vgmdb, but I'll post it here as well:

"When you make something available online, that is 'shipped' online, the physical location of your intended market is any place where a computer is connected to the internet."

But that's an idealism, which is something that violates reality. (I guess I am constantly raping reality.)

This place (this wild planet) drives me crazy.

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