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Bernhardt Feb 2, 2011

Here's another question: About transferring VHS footage to DVD, does anyone know how to do it?

I imagine I'd need both a VCR player, and a DVD recorder; already got a VCR, but I'd still need a DVD recorder; can anyone recommend any good models?

Also, how would you set them up?

I imagine the VCR player would have to be playing the VHS tape, while the DVD recorder presses the footage to DVD-R...but I'd need to know how to set up the devices, so it does it properly.

Any help? It'd be appreciated!

longhairmike Feb 2, 2011 (edited Feb 2, 2011)

ion makes a VCR with a USB output called VCR 2 PC and you can pick one up online for under $100
it comes with software and you can rip to either mpeg quality or dvd quality. then you can crop and edit before you burn.

Smeg Feb 2, 2011

Hey, that's actually helpful mikey.

Bernhardt Feb 2, 2011 (edited Feb 2, 2011)

longhairmike wrote:

ion makes a VCR with a USB output called VCR 2 PC and you can pick one up online for under $100
it comes with software and you can rip to either mpeg quality or dvd quality. then you can crop and edit before you burn.

Mama this it? … 507&sr=8-1

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