Ah, thanks much.
Got cash for my birthday, so I spoiled myself with Ape Escape 3 and Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition. Getting the latter was amusing because I asked the checkout guy if it was in.
'No, later in the week. Friday, maybe.'
At this point, I go off to secure AE3 and maybe X Collection. He apparently calls his boss and the following conversation (or the half I could hear) went as such:
'Yeah, on that Devil May Cry, you should just tell 'em to ship it it overnight. We have a lot of guys asking for it...well, it WOULD be...uh? We did? Oh. OK, then' Click.
'Sir? We actually do have some copies in.'
So I got the very first copy of SE here in New Bedford, and apparently the only copy of AE3 on sale at that branch. So yeah, good birthday all around. Thanks again for the salutations, and after tonight I should be quite interested in those recordings you made.