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brandonk Feb 9, 2011 (edited Feb 9, 2011)

Hey...kind of a random post here, any of you been keeping up withe Jerusalem UFO story that started at the end of last month?  It's pretty interesting to see play out...very suspicious / etc.

Amazingu Feb 9, 2011

I had no idea what you're talking about, so I looked it up and the first site I found was this: … provenfake

So yeah, sounds like nothing serious.

In fact, I daresay that pretty much every UFO sighting ever made, including ones that will inevitably be made for the next, I dunno, 1000 years at least (hard to say when you're dependent on an unknown lifeform's technological advancement) are probably going to be fake.

Although you never know what the military might be up to wink

brandonk Feb 9, 2011 (edited Feb 10, 2011)

Well, that's just it...these findings and analysis are not entirely factual or complete...There is admittedly agreeably 'fake' video out there that most people can agree on.  (complete with a hick sounding woman's voice ('We see these things all the time in Missisippi"), then there are three other videos out there which are arguably disproven, but not entirely when you get down to the specifics.  There is a witness that is being persued, and additional witnesses in Jerusalem are coming forward, but not getting any press.  Very strange

For your edification

The fake one that's gotten the most coverage (looks to be projected on a screen and doesn't 'flash' when it takes off)

Here's the one that look real (Consolidated 3 videos) (corrected link without the cheesy sci-fi music)

I have spent some considerable time reviewing these, and the details on the people who are dismissing and saying "hoax" - and the one thing I can conclude is that it's obvious that media has done a piss poor handling of this story.  In any event, I'll go on record (here anyway hahaha), saying I have seen some strange activity in the skies Arizona on my way home from work a few years ago.  My friend who was also stuck on the same freeway due to traffic saw the same thing.  I actually asked a person when I drove by who was changing her tire "Hey you see those lights in the sky" to which they responded "Oh yea, that's the Phoenix lights, we see them all the time.   'They' know about them, but no one does anything about it..."  For what I saw specifically very much like what is shown in these videos: … h_response (*skip to the 2 min 30 second mark)

and.. … r_embedded

Call me batshit, but I truly believe there's something out there and something being kept from our eyes, for reasons not yet known...maybe in this lifetime??  Seems to be an increase in this type of stuff lately.  Weather the Jerusalem videos are legit, is subject to argument, but after seeing the way the coverage of this was handled, I'm even more skeptic of the purported skeptics purpose and intent.

Amazingu Feb 10, 2011

Yeah, I think I've seen some X-files episodes on similar topics (also around Arizona), but I'm not buying it.

Do I think there's other life in the Universe? Sure.
Do I believe any of it has ever been even close to Earth? Hell no.

If they have the technology to come here, you'd think they would've tried to make actual contact at some point, wouldn't you? Instead of just hovering over buildings pointlessly and then disappearing.

I'm prepared to believe the military is testing new technology and weaponry though, that would make MUCH more sense.

brandonk Feb 10, 2011

I never said I thought they were aliens, but I'd be lying if I didn't think about it...rationally tho, why would they need to do any of this, if they have the technology to travel at light speed and manuever ships in ways that seem impossible?  I dunno - really, one theory is something called "project bluebeam".  I never really thought myself a conspiracy theorist, but after some of the bs my own Government has executed in the last 30 years , I wouldn't be all that surprised...Anyway, still some mysterious stuff out there - quite bizzare...

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