GoldfishX Feb 12, 2011 (edited Feb 12, 2011)
(as an aside, I know prices are similar and probably more in Europe and Japan...I've always regarded Japanese prices on new CD's and games as being pretty overpriced, especially considering importers markups).
The other day, I went and got my preorder for Marvel vs Capcom 3. As I handed over my debit card and looked at my receipt, it kinda hit me that I was buying a game I have waited 10+ years for, one I've been cautiously hyped for during the past 6 months and one I will probably be playing the stuffings out with friends, online and at tournaments until they release a sequel. In that sense, 60 bones felt like a steal. But then, for the first time in a long time, I started looking around the rest of Gamestop and came to the following conclusion: It was the only game with a $60 price point that I would even consider buying. A few years ago, maybe the current Rock Band or Guitar Hero would have been worth it (the product glut killed off both of these franchises and the quality of Guitar Hero has gone decidedly south overall, to the point I did a fist pump when they announced its' demise recently) and the last current-gen game I paid full MSRP for was Brutal Legend, which has seen about an hour and a half of playtime, despite the cool premise. My friend had both Batman: Arkham Asylum and Bayonetta and while both were cool, I just couldn't see either justifying their full price tag. And originally, I was going to buy Blazblue when it first came out, but...that $60 price point made me try before I bought (totally non-related to price, I then went on to discover how much I would loathe that game, as Guilty Gear's bastard child and was thankful I didn't waste time or money on it).
In the NES/SNES days, buying a lot of games simply was not an option for me. However, there were many I rented that I would have gladly bought (and later, gladly added to my collection for fractions of their original price years). And yes, I'm more than aware that SNES game prices were sometimes far more than game prices are now, but one should also consider that many more people are actually buying games now and more copies are being sold. When I started taking the 32-bit era seriously, new PS1 games could be had regularly for around $40. When Dreamcast and PS2 came along, $50 became more the standard, but considering the upgrade in graphics and memory (anyone remember the animation hits and loading to 2D fighters on the Playstation? *shudder*) compared to the 32 bit era, the added premium was warranted to me. Even on the Wii, $50 for the new Donkey Kong or New Super Mario Brothers Wii sounds fairly reasonable. When I think $60, I think "rare, classic game off ebay in great condition" or "limited edition ala Working Designs", not "standard, new game that will probably be long forgotten and discounted in six months at Gamestop".
What is also added in are the costs of DLC and in some instances, the cost of playing online. Marvel vs Capcom 3 will likely be offering DLC characters, which if you're playing seriously, you will probably need to get at some point. So in essence, you can be doubling or even tripling the original cost paid. Again, I'm gonna play it seriously, but it's also the ONLY game I would feel compelled to pay up for the additional characters (although I'll keep my money in my pocket if one of them is just Frank West...bleh!) But I can't even fathom buying, say, a sports game, then having to pay a premium for the "privilege" of playing online. Even MvC 3, I would consider that a ripoff if they were to go that route (especially if it as lag-tastic as SFIV). And stuff like new costumes in Street Fighter IV...No, just no! They should be giving junk like that away. Even the DLC for Rock Band, outside of a handful of songs, is starting to feel like a total waste at about 2 bucks a song. Yeah, I'll pay up for my favorite bands and whatnot, but I must have been smoking something potent to actually buy junk from Disturbed on there. I want my money back for those (I think I bought them when there was basically no heavy metal available) >_<
So...Is a $60 price point+ a deterrent for buying new games?