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Bernhardt Mar 1, 2011 (edited Mar 1, 2011)

Interested in something that'll allow me to record what I'm doing on my computer screen, as I'm doing it;

needs to be able to create a clear picture/video of what I'm doing, without it being blurry, or the picture/video being too small.

I've been using CamStudio, but the picture/video always comes out too small, and blurry, at that.

I'm using this to create tutorials on how to use other software programs.

Have any recommendations of software that's either free, or for pay?

Carl Mar 1, 2011

Why does everything have to be "recommended to you" for you to be able to find it?? 

People have recommended that you improve your google searching skills to be able to be self-sufficient when looking for things, but it seems like you're not making any progress in that department...

Amazingu Mar 1, 2011

Carl wrote:

Why does everything have to be "recommended to you" for you to be able to find it?? 

People have recommended that you improve your google searching skills to be able to be self-sufficient when looking for things, but it seems like you're not making any progress in that department...

I find it particularly ironic that he's doing this to make tutorials for other people...

Carl Mar 1, 2011 (edited Mar 1, 2011)

Amazingu wrote:

I find it particularly ironic that he's doing this to make tutorials for other people...

Obviously that's a horrifying thought.

I wonder if Bern is able to go to a restaurant and see the 20 items listed on the menu, and actually be able to choose something to order?  Or would he have to ask the other people eating there:

"Any recommendations for something to eat? I'm looking for something filling, because I'm hungry.

I heard about chicken, is that any good? And is it better than Beef?
But I tried a fish once, and it wasn't tasty, so that doesn't work.

There are so many shapes of pasta that I'm dealing with here people!!

Now can you recommend a vegetable?? 
Thanks for telling me what to order, I can finally eat something!

Now can you recommend a dessert for me?
I want a flavor of ice cream that tastes good, which one is best??
Should I have it in a bowl or a cone, which is better?"

Smeg Mar 1, 2011

Carl, I love you man.

Bernhardt Mar 1, 2011 (edited Mar 1, 2011)

Carl, I did LoL.

But c'mon, no one here uses screen captures, much less willing to provide a recommendation?

Yeah, I can look for one myself; I'd probably spend all day downloading, running, learning, and comparing said software, there's so much out there, that'd be a lot of time I'd end up spending, and my computer's already loaded up to the gills with software I haven't checked out yet (don't have any screen capturers yet, mind you).

Amazingu wrote:
Carl wrote:

Why does everything have to be "recommended to you" for you to be able to find it?? 

People have recommended that you improve your google searching skills to be able to be self-sufficient when looking for things, but it seems like you're not making any progress in that department...

I find it particularly ironic that he's doing this to make tutorials for other people...

Now that remark, I resent...

Razakin Mar 1, 2011

You could try FRAPS, thought it's shareware. But really, google dude. Probably using search like screen recording program would help more, unless you just want single screen captures, as screen capture says at least to me.

jb Mar 1, 2011 (edited Mar 1, 2011)

It really is ironic.  Not much to resent there big fella, they have a point.

At work we use Snag-It.  It captures video and still images.  It also has some really cheesy editor where you can add predefined objects like arrows and highlight and stuff.  It works well for a "here's what you need to do" IT work scenario.

You can capture still images and/or video with fraps as well.  It's mostly used for PC gaming movie compilation and stuff, but can certainly be used outside that as well.

Really this is just a matter of try it and see if you like it.  That's what trials are for. You can generally tell how legitimate a program is by looking at the professionalism of their website.

Amazingu Mar 1, 2011

jb wrote:

At work we use Snag-It.  It captures video and still images.  It also has some really cheesy editor where you can add predefined objects like arrows and highlight and stuff.  It works well for a "here's what you need to do" IT work scenario.

I'll put down another vote for Snag-It as well.
Easy to use, and the screen-capture quality is pretty good too.

Carl Mar 1, 2011

Bernhardt wrote:

I'd probably spend all day downloading, running, learning, and comparing...

YES, by God Almighty, you've discovered the secret AT LAST!!!!

That's exactly how every one of us learned how to do everything when we were just little tots. The same methods still apply when you're an adult.


Razakin Mar 1, 2011

Bernhardt wrote:

I'd probably spend all day downloading, running, learning, and comparing...

Well, downloading and running doesn't take much time on the modern days, but when I was young, to get a program we had to kick our mule to move his slow ass to the vendor who was selling the program which was made of STONE DISKETS, after that we had to drag it back into our place and hope that the STONE DISKET wasn't chipped at all. Otherwise it would have been a wasted journey. Kids nowadays!

ON a serious note, using the programs is the best way to learn them, and if you have a problem how to do thing X or Y, just bloody google. After some google fu, then ask if someone knows.

And I'll probably come out as a bit of a elitist asshole, but I find it odd that young (can't remember how old bernie was again) folk nowadays do have hard time with programs, knowing the amounts they waste on sitting around computer.

But I'm off to play Braid, because it was on sale on Steam. God damn Steam (and GOG), damn them to hell for giving me tons of games to play on. It was so different when I WAS YOUNG. We were happy to manage to play a game after 30 minutes of flickering loading screen. And there were no manuals, no nothing. Usually even the joysticks were broken after many sessions of Summer/Winter Olympics. Oh those were the days.

Bernhardt Mar 2, 2011 (edited Mar 2, 2011)

Carl wrote:
Bernhardt wrote:

I'd probably spend all day downloading, running, learning, and comparing...

YES, by God Almighty, you've discovered the secret AT LAST!!!!

That's exactly how every one of us learned how to do everything when we were just little tots. The same methods still apply when you're an adult.

Yeah, and you sound pretty sore about it, too! tongue


Guess I'm still just a n00b at teh internets...

Thanks for your suggestions, those of you who took my request seriously.

I'll try those out, and then browse more if I have to...

Oh, by the way, I'm also looking for...!

Naw, just kiddin' 'ya! tongue

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