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avatar! Apr 3, 2011 (edited Apr 3, 2011)

Is anyone here a fan of this series? I think this is one of the finest turn-based strategy games ever produced. Also, the music is simply phenomenal! The first game released in 1995 was fun and had superb music, but the second game (1996) just blew me away! Not only is the game still wonderful, fun, and challenging even today, it also has some of my favorite pieces in all of gaming music. Here is one track from the game:

The other games in the series are also a varying degree of wonderful, although II is probably my favorite.

HoMM VI is scheduled to be released soon. Hopefully Ubisoft will do the series justice (not holding my breath smile

ElementalKnight Apr 3, 2011

I've been a die-hard Heroes fan since 1.  Heroes 2 and 3 are both masterpieces, and I like 5 a good deal, too.  2 and 3 both have amazing music (hell, even 1 has some surprisingly great music).  I'm a little pessimistic about some things I've seen about 6, but I certainly hope it rocks my world.

avatar! Apr 3, 2011

ElementalKnight wrote:

I've been a die-hard Heroes fan since 1.  Heroes 2 and 3 are both masterpieces, and I like 5 a good deal, too.  2 and 3 both have amazing music (hell, even 1 has some surprisingly great music).  I'm a little pessimistic about some things I've seen about 6, but I certainly hope it rocks my world.

Right on! What's your view on 4? I've yet to play it...

jb Apr 3, 2011

Just pretend 4 doesn't exist.

ElementalKnight Apr 3, 2011

avatar! wrote:

Right on! What's your view on 4? I've yet to play it...

The consensus on 4 is that it is terrible, but I'd go a step further to say it's so bad that it's basically unplayable.  I'm amazed at how right 3 could be, how people at the time knew how good 3 was, and then 4 happened.

I don't know if I could pick a super favorite song from the series, but I'll toss out Combat 2 from Heroes 3.  It's the iconic fight song for me:

Dais Apr 4, 2011

I know the basic answer is "Ubisoft", but it still irritates me that the only non-computer iterations of this series were the two GBC games and Quest for the Dragon Bone Staff (kind of). A DS version would just have made so much sense.

avatar! Apr 4, 2011

Wow, when I read reviews online for HoMM IV, they were very positive. ign gave it an 8.7 and said it was "fantastic". gamespot gave it an 8.8. So, why do people not like it?

ElementalKnight Apr 5, 2011

Dais:  Totally agree.  The GBC games tried to some degree to match the spirit their PC counterparts.  Even still, they ended up a little simplistic and lackluster (as you might expect).  The DS would have given them way more options/potential.

Oh, and Dragon Bone is just straight-up weird.  Don't really know what they were trying to do with that one.

avatar:  My biggest gripes have to do with the art direction and the interface (and some gameplay issues).  Heroes 3 had a simple, attractive interface that interwove a developed, epic artistic style.  Each hero not only had a unique gameplay attribute, they had a unique look.  A unique identity.  Heroes IV throws all that away.  The interface, while I wouldn't call it confusing, has a washed out, ugly, parchment appearance that gets too cluttered at times.  Heroes can fight (fine), but each faction essentially has two types of heroes to choose from:  one set that is combat-oriented, and one set that is magic-oriented.  They are otherwise all the same.  Hero art and names are chosen basically at random.  Heroes can be equipped with gear and consumable potions, but this somehow lacks any of the charm that the artifact system had (there's also that fact that heroes are stronger than most units early, but weaker than most late game, which creates odd incentives).

But the thing that really gets me is that unit animations and portraits are amazingly poorly done.  The animations in particular are embarrassingly disjointed and low quality.  The unit/hero portraits and town landscapes don't have anywhere near the same epic feel as 3 (hell, or even 2).  I also get annoyed that there are only 5 unit tiers in each faction, each tier with a choice of one of two units.  Choosing one unit prevents you from recruiting the other.  A faction of 5 unit types and interchangeable heroes just doesn't do it for me.  So that's it in a rather enormous nutshell.

avatar! May 2, 2011

ElementalKnight wrote:

I've been a die-hard Heroes fan since 1.  Heroes 2 and 3 are both masterpieces, and I like 5 a good deal, too.  2 and 3 both have amazing music (hell, even 1 has some surprisingly great music).  I'm a little pessimistic about some things I've seen about 6, but I certainly hope it rocks my world.

I've been listening to Heroes 1 while trying to prepare for my midterm in grad stat-mech. I just can't help but feel like I'm a bunch of peasants about to face up against a pack of black dragons...
Anyway, Heroes 1 really does have great music (better than I remember)!

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