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Bernhardt Apr 24, 2011 (edited Apr 24, 2011)

I was wondering if anyone here buys imported clothing; not just from Japan, but anywhere that isn't the U.S.?

Or, rather, if you live in a country that isn't the U.S. (just love my U.S.-centric view of the world, don't you?), what clothes do you buy?

What brand names? What styles? What designers? And how much do they cost you?

As you can imagine, I'm interested in getting some new clothes, stuff that isn't your usual boring office attire, or menial labor work outfit; besides just wanting recommendations, I'm just curious to know what kind of clothes everyone likes...

Me, I usually go for dressier clothes (button-down shirts, dress slacks, sport coats/blazers), but I do like some punk/biker stuff, I do have a pair of boots that would fall into that category (think along the lines of Squall's boots from Final Fantasy VIII).

Also wouldn't mind having a belt with a utility harness on it, kind of like Travis's, in No More Heroes, though, black, and hopefully not too gimmicky.

Jodo Kast Apr 27, 2011

You're making it too easy. I just picked up one item (a shoe) and read "MADE IN CHINA"....

I suppose I'll look at something else, perhaps a shirt...ah..MADE IN INDIA...

avatar! Apr 27, 2011

I have to agree with Jodo. The question is not "do you have imported clothing" but do you have clothes made in the US? My answer is yes, but I go out of my way to try and support US clothing companies. I don't do it because I'm a super partriot, but because I like to support the US economy (since I live in the US) and I don't like to support the Chinese economy. Also, I think that US-made goods are typically far superior to Chinese made (at least that's been my personal experience).

Anyway, US made clothese I own:




by the way, I've found that many US goods (not all) are substantially cheaper than their imported counterparts. Such is the case with jeans.



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