XLord007 Apr 24, 2011
You can't hear much of the music in this, but it's interesting to see her doing an American game:
You can't hear much of the music in this, but it's interesting to see her doing an American game:
There's a music sample on Youtube as well:
There's quite a bit of buzz about this game in the fighting game community (longtime Marvel vs Capcom player Mike Z is one of the main developers...not sure what other games he plays, but he's known for Marvel 2 combo videos and a sick Juggernaut/Tron/Doom team) and it was announced on Shoryuken.com's main page a couple weeks ago.
I've been keeping up on this game from an industry friend who is with Reverge and helped broker the deal between Reverge and Yamane on this game. I'm really happy to see this. Japanese composers on American games ... now we just need more of the reverse.
Japanese composers on American games ... now we just need more of the reverse.
No, we really don't.
Ramza wrote:Japanese composers on American games ... now we just need more of the reverse.
No, we really don't.
I'd take some British composers on American games that were composed by Japanese composers. Okay really I just wish Donkey Kong Country Returns had been done by David Wise instead of Yamamoto.
I'd take some British composers on American games that were composed by Japanese composers. Okay really I just wish Donkey Kong Country Returns had been done by David Wise instead of Yamamoto.
European composers are fine.
American VGM composers have yet to captivate me.
Let's not rule out Canadians. Next Level Games did an incredible job with Punch-Out!! for the Wii.
I'd take some British composers on American games that were composed by Japanese composers. Okay really I just wish Donkey Kong Country Returns had been done by David Wise instead of Yamamoto.
Just want to note that DKCR's credits lists Yamamoto for music supervision while music composition is credited to Minako Hamano, Masaru Tajima, Shinji Ushiroda and Daisuke Matsuoka.
Nice that you got to lend a hand in bringing the 2 parties together, Ramza.
CRAP, indefinite/vague/hanging participle stuff.
It's my friend (Peter @ Reverge) who brokered the deal between his company and Yamane, not me. I was just cheering him on. Peter is hip to the Japanese scene, loved the SotN score like crazy and wanted Yamane on his game's project for quite some time. I'm glad things went the way they did.