Obviously a biased site, but interesting nonetheless:
"Sony just announced that the standard PS3 controller will include a 3 axis tilt sensor capable of detecting "360 degrees" of motion. The announcement was followed by a quick video, which, to the trained eye, demonstrated the limitations of their thinly veiled attempt to copy Nintendo's innovative Wii controller. They proudly asserted that the device was innovative (yes, but who's innovation?) and blithely pointed out that it requires no external sensors to function.
At what cost does the loss of external sensors come though? In short, the PS3 controller will only detect the tilt of the controller as it is moved. The demonstration showed a guy attempting to fly a plane from the game Warhawk with it. He made exaggerated motions, which turned the plane, but the plane returned to level before he moved the controller back. This is a far cry from the sensitivity of the Wii controller. The sensor bar allows the Wii to detect the precise location and orientation of the Wii controller even when it is not moving. This will enable a much larger range of applications (such as first person shooting to name just one). Of course, the Wii controller also has an accelerometer in the analog attachment as well.
Apparently no other PS3 launch games (assuming Warhawk makes the launch) are currently designed to use the device, which was likely a last minute add on in response to the increasing popularity of Nintendo's new controller design."
Sure Nintendo didn't invent it, but it is obvious that Sony tapped this in the last year. In fact, nothing from Sony's presentation was really original, except for its hubris. Still, 2 million goes on sale November 17th worldwide for $499 or $599---40GBs of the hard drive means $100.
E3 has begun... curious to see what Microsoft and especially Nintendo have to say tomorrow.