Bernhardt May 21, 2011 (edited May 21, 2011)
Caught news of a new Castlevania: It's sci-fi, and based in the relatively distant future.
On the site of where Castlevania once stood, there now exists a bustling metropolis, not too much unlike Gotham City.
Only problem is, in the period in which the game is based, it's time for Dracula to re-awaken again; he doesn't quite have his castle anymore, but who needs a castle, when you've got an entire gothic-styled - but also futuristic - city to corrupt and twist to your liking?
The Belmont clan has since gone through many changes over the past few hundred years; enter our hero, Bertouli Vernalesci, who has a fiery sword that's powered by holy ashes, as well as an ultrasonic whip, along with other futuristic weapons that're powered by holy and sacred resources; players will be able to switch between the sword and whip whenever they choose.
Players can still expect to ascend the iconic staircase just before their final battle with Count Dracula; only difference being, it'll be a shiny, glass skyscraper instead of a stone castle.
As you can probably imagine, the soundtrack will also reflect the gothic/futuristic hybrid theme.