Brandon May 22, 2011
For those who don't know, Koichi Sugiyama was already fairly well established as a composer before he got started in video game music for Enix (he was in his mid 50s at the time). In addition to film scores, he wrote a number of songs for popular bands and singers, most notably the Tigers. Quite a few of his older compositions are available on YouTube now; here's what I was able to find. I've starred the ones I particularly like, YMMV.
Legend of Sirius:
Cantata of Love
Night, Go Slowly (*Instrumental)
Space Runaway Ideon Opening Theme
*The Village Singers - The Flaxen-Haired Maiden (Hitomi Shimatani cover)
The Tigers:
*Glorious World
Jinjin Banban
Forgotten Lullaby
*Necklace of Flowers (English cover by Leslie McKeown)
Romance in the Milky Way (English cover by Leslie McKeown)
The Peanuts:
Fugue of Love (Engrish version) (Dance remix for Angela)
*This is Goodbye
Sorrowful Valentine(?)
Sad Tango