On Konami:
Man, do I hope Dais is wrong on that Contra thing. I was willing to give a re-imagining of CV the benefit of the doubt, but if they try turning Contra into Gears of War or whatever, I'm going to backlash them upside the head.
I'm happy about the HD remakes as long as they don't muck with them. I don't want, say, redubs where Vamp and Amanda lose their accents while Gary McGolden's tell-all or Para-Medic's movie reviews get cut so that they can add more rocket-surfing or some crap...God, Twin Snakes was wretched. The ZoE set will give me a chance to actually play those, so that's good too. Silent Hill...The third game was where I stopped trying to force myself through them and just watched Youtubers finish the story, so that's out. I respect the first two games, but would never replay them. Speaking of which...
On replaying games:
In addition to what others have said, replaying games I've enjoyed in the past has the added advantage of recharging my interest in rough times. Sometimes I'll go through a period where I get bogged down with some real crap, and I'll start to wonder if I'm losing my interest in the medium. One quick jam session with a beloved favorite usually gives me the perspective I need to realize that it isn't me, it's the ho-hum piece of dreck I'm pushing myself through for no discernable reason.
P.S. replaying also gives me a second shot at evaluation. Was that game really as bad as it seemed or was I just not getting it before? Yes, the game becomes easy once I get that character, but how much harder does it get if I resist the urge to abuse his abilities?
Also, how far can I go without taking damage? This is something worth mentioning if I haven't before - organic challenges, ones I impose on myself that the game doesn't necessarily call attention to, add incredible replay to a game. In the first Klonoa, while I was randomly replaying some favorite stages, I came to realize all the stages were designed to have 150 collectible gems, and I went about getting that amount for all of them (even got a little over that amount by being slightly quicker than the devs expected with a gem-doubler), and was very satisfied. When Klonoa 2 made it an actual goal, with scrapbook awards and all, achieving that goal felt a lot less like fun and much more like work. Maybe that's the main problem with Achievements and Trophies; there is no undiscovered country, so to speak. It's like the bit in Metroid Fusion where at the end of the option and obscenely complicated Shinespark stunt, an extra bit of dialogue exists just to tell you that yup, they thought of that too. It can be fun to shoot for some of those virtual plateaus, certainly, and sometimes they can point you toward things you might not have realized you could do, but there are times, often in RPGs for some reason, where I look over a list of goals geared toward maxing everything out and just think, 'screw you, I'll get off this treadmill when I want to.'
Wow, did this all get wildly off-topic. I'll just add at the end that I hope Konami hasn't let everything out of the bag yet; a traditional Gradius to stand alonside Otomedius would be especially appreciated.